I didn't see many (if any) DOTA 2 discussion threads so I figured I'd make one.

So did anyone get lucky enough to get any DOTA 2 steam invites recently?

They've apparently been sending out waves of invites and will continue to do so over the next few days.

Of course if anyone would be kind enough to lend me an invite (each person gets 2 friend invites!) I would give them eternal love :3 (and maybe some kind of reward too ^_^)!


  • i'd be interested as well. please send me an email if anyone has a spare.

  • Haha, my heart raced when I saw this thread. I don't have any keys myself but I'm hoping that once I'm lucky enough to get into the beta I can start to give out some keys to various communities :)

    Good luck!

  • I've got a survey in my steam email saying i need to do it before tehy cna send out keys?

    • Yeah you basically fill out the survey (it sends out your hardware specifications) and then fill out your experience with DOTA 1. This only gets you on the "list" for invites, and only a few people have actually got the keys so far. Best of luck and be sure to invite me if you get in LOL

      • -2

        I had to lie on my DOTA 1 experience, I've played like 2 games in total 5 years ago :P

        IMO League of Legends is superior to DOTA 1 overall, but I think Dota 2 looks great and really want to play it!

        • +1

          Most veterans agree that LoL is the slowest-paced of the MOBA genre (HoN, Dota, LoL). My experience of LoL is that it's generally a good 15mins of creep-farming before anything happens and even then, team fights are slow and clunky.

          This is part of the reason why LoL is often considered the easiest of these kind of games. Nevertheless, I think all are great games but for me Dota 2 is going to take the cake.

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