Raising Guide Dog Puppies?

Looking to get into raising some guide dog labs, have had experience with raising dogs before. Anyone have any experience with this type of stuff before I commit a full year?
Any tips, anything I should know?



  • Did you contact Guide Dogs Australia?

  • +7

    couldn't imagine bonding with a puppy, and then giving them away to someone…

  • Contact Guide Dogs branch of your state and ask. You get to attend their graduation ceremonies and stuff - it's pretty cute, but it's sad that you have to give them away everytime you raise them.

  • +6

    I have been doing this for about 10 years now. It's very rewarding and there are a few strict criteria before they hand you a dog. You do have to be available to attend training sessions fortnightly with your pup and be prepared that not all dogs make it for a variety of reasons. The reason Labs are bred and are chosen for this job is that they really are super adaptable and don't fret too much when you leave them. Having said this,they won't forget you and having had a puppy raiser meet up with my current dog after 5 months she went wild to see them and after they left she just gave herself a shake as if to say "Nice to see them-now where's dinner?" I no longer do the puppy part-mainly older dogs for short term care or if they've had surgery etc.
    Guide dogs are fabulous with their support and if you do take on a pup they will provide all food and medications. If the pup doesn't make it as a GD it may be offered to you as a pet or join various other programs such as pets as therapy or court assistance dogs. They will always find a great home and the waiting list for pets is long (or may even be closed) right now.
    Are you in NSW? Current areas are Central Coast, Newcastle and Wollongong and of course Sydney Metro and Blue Mountains. PM me if you want further info.

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