360 degree camera that is water resistent and can operate 8+ hours (even if it needs plugging into a battery pack).

I need a 360 degree camera that can be worn or mounted to a hand basket, for walking around outside. It will mostly need to focus on an iPad a few feet away from it, but also pick up all the surroundings. So I can scrobble through the video later and use what's on the iPad display as a kind of time stamp, then check the surroundings based on that spot. It has to be this way, with a camera recording the ipad display and surroundings at the same time, I can't just have the iPad screen record itself. And it needs to be able to operate for like 8 hours at a time, so I don't mind needing to plug it into a battery pack (wrapped in plastic) and needing to press the stop and start recording button every hour or so is fine too if necessary.

It would be a plus if it had the option to live broadcast through your phone. But what's really important is just that it records these walks for later use.

I'm guessing basically any 360 degree camera that is 2k or 4k will do the job. But which one? I know I could use two regular cameras instead, but I want it to be all in one, no nonsense. The video will only be for my reference and I'll probably keep backups only to show my methodology if interesting findings are found.

It's kind of important that it can just keep recording and that it doesn't crash or anything or stop recording unnoticed. I don't know how reliable 360 degree cameras that rely on phones are. It sounds convenient though, I can just keep my phone on a battery box too.


  • Insta 360 One R Twin (integrates very well with their Insta 360 app) or Gopro Max (good video n audio) are your best bet.

    Though sounds like your use needs are rather unique as my own usage is very different….. so can't comment on the long recording times you're wanting at 4K… you'd need a massive SD card for that and regular spares with a decently sized power banks to keep it powered for extended periods. And can't guarantee it not crashing for recording such HD footage for very extended periods… they are not exactly designed for such usage.

    • They both look interesting. It occurs to me that I don't actually need it to record video. If it took a spherical photo every two seconds that would also work. And means I could hold sixty times as much data per GB of storage. Do both of these cameras perform the same for time lapse photos as far as you know?

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