Where's a Good Place to Get NFC Tags in Australia?

Can anyone recommend a good place to get reliable NFC Tags that work well with Shortcuts on iOS that ships to Australia? I'm currently looking at getting NTAG215 or NTAG216 tags that are unbranded/plain and smaller (<=25mm) rather than larger. But happy for other recommendations too.


  • I wasn't able to find any (that was cheap) in Australia when I was ordering NTAG215.

    Ended up ordering from Aliexpress, which arrived pretty fast (this was Pre-COVID).

    PS: Pre-COVID, they were ~$30 Delivered for 100 tags from Aliexpress, now almost double that.

  • How about old debit/credit/myki/opal cards. A lot of ozbargain people would have a stack of these from all the credit card and bank account signup bonus offers.

    • Pretty sure you can't use mifare cards as NFC tags

      • Yep, they're read only

  • +3

    Curious - what do you use them for? and how?

    • I have one next to my stereo that
      1) Sends the IR command to turn the stereo on
      2) Output audio to the stereo
      3) Play a specific playlist

      I bought 10 stickers and can't think of anything to do with the others that would actually be faster than just tapping the shortcut or talking into my Apple watch

      • Oh wow, thats cool.. I'm a caveman so I have no idea that works.

  • Uniqlo have NFC tags in their price labels.

    • Wow really? That's pretty cool!

      Is that all of them or only selected ones? Is there a way to tell which?

      I'm also looking for NFC tags, but only a couple durable ones to hang on a keychain.

      • Yeah I asked the cashier.

        They place all clothes on this special reading table and it picks up then all in one go

  • +1

    Not sure if you're still looking for somewhere, but I'll shamelessly plug my own store: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/604947/

    • Thanks! Already ordered some from your store yesterday.

      I’m also waiting on some other ones I had previously ordered on Amazon. Will see how they turn out, but good to have a cheaper local source I can order from if I need more again in the future.

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