Want Good Vacuum for Hard Surfaced (Tiles)

Hello Members

Can anyone please suggest a good Vaccum Cleaner for hard surface like tiles? We have all the way tiles at home & i am after something which can work.on them fine. Can see deals on V7 Motherhead but wondering if anything else u wanna suggest?

Thank You


  • Not sure you want good vacuum or expensive one. I would recommend Piranha from Big W or K Mart. i think it 2200V. The reason why i am recommending this vacuum is that it designed so well that no long debris like paper n string get stuck in barrels and also power suction is superb. A real good value for the money. i would also recommend you to spend money on good floor brush which is better then standard you get with vacuum because they have got long bristle and wide coverage to reduce the stroke to cover the floor.

    I have replace my old vacuum after almost 6 years after abuse use by cleaning my yard and garage of my rental property full of dust and sand and it still worked. the body was still working but tube cracked when i step my feet on it and also due to age. I then replace it with my another Piranha vacuum.

    Ensure for any vacuum to work you need to clean and wash filter when you feel the suction power is reduced.

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