Want cheapest handbag hanger holder and key clip hanger hooks for Secret Santa

Want to buy handbag hangers holders things and key clips hanger hooks for the girls in the office we are doing secret santa. Where do I find the cheapest? I need about 10 of each. thanks


  • ebay

  • Yeah, eBay. Search 'handbag holder' or any variation of that, then once the results come up, select 'Worldwide' down in the left panel, and then search 'lowest price + postage' in the sort box. These'll get you the cheapest, but may not make it before Christmas now that I think about it. That stuff usually takes 2-3 weeks, so you might be pushing it.

    These ones are in Aus, so you should get them within a week: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Blue-Crystal-Diamonte-Handbag-Han… and they're only $4 each, as opposed to $20, which is the cheapest I can find in physical stores.

    Oh, and just want to add that I got one off eBay for $1.09 I think, and it looks and feels exactly the same as the ones I looked at in Strandbags. Works well, and isn't dodgy like I was expecting :)

  • ta have checked Ebay and can buy in bulk, do not think they will be here for Christmas, so still thinking, oh well, maybe get the Aussie ones like you say, thanks.

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