Cheap Car Storage in Perth

I appreciate any thoughts & suggestions for cheap long term car storage in Perth metro area (North of the river).
I've checked a few of the large storage places & prices are a bit crazy.


  • +1

    What is crazy price like?

    • $150-$200/month

      • Try Parkhound? I could see a few places for $120 a month. Then keep checking every few months to see if something cheaper turns up?

        • Thanks for the quick reply.
          Great website but they seem to be outdoor parking, ideally I would like to get some sort of undercover parking (even a carport is fine).

  • Can park it in my front yard for a few bucks a day

    • Hi serpserpserp,
      Thanks for the offer - is it under cover?

      • Yeah there are a few ferns around. But a few bucks a day you aren't paying for the Amazon !

        • No problem - I prefer under cover so I'll see if anyone else has any ideas. Thanks.

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