MMSs from Unknown Numbers - What Do You Do?

Is it safe to download MMS messages from unknown numbers?

Is it safe to reply and ask who it is or is that going to do to your phone number what replying to a spam email does to your email address?


  • +12

    Block number.

    Delete MMS.


  • Just don't bother. If you're on the latest security patch for IOS and Android and aren't jailbroken or rooted then you should be fine unless they are exploiting a new vulnerability. From what I know Optus and Telstra should already have Simjacker blocked.

  • +3

    Depends what they are sending, but generally would suggest not to.
    The people mass sending SMS messages are probably trying to determine what mobile numbers are active to spam you in the future or sell off this info.

  • Is it safe to download MMS messages from unknown numbers?

    No or maybe (see other comments)

    Is it safe to reply and ask who it is or is that going to do to your phone number what replying to a spam email does to your email address?

    No (since you said you don't know the number)

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