Double Roller Blinds or Roller Blinds + Curtains


Double Roller Blinds or Roller Blinds + Curtains. I am not sure which one to choose to install for new home. Mostly in all bed rooms and living room.

Any suggestions/guidance would be appreciated.



  • Wouldn't it depend on what you are trying to achieve?

    • You are right, without enough details it is like the blind leading the blind.

  • I am planning to install blinds for new home and not sure in terms of privacy and looks good.

    • Double roller blinds. Curtains are dust collectors unless you want to be vacuuming them often. Plus if you got enough window frame it can probably sit within the frame.

  • +3

    Roller blinds probably won’t fit 100% to the window so there will always be a little gap on each of the edges. Curtains can then help reduce this gap.

    Curtains are always much heavier so in terms of insulation, will probably be more effective.

    And curtains generally help toward the feel of a room a little bit more, if that is important.

    That being said, it it’s for privacy, roller blinds that you can roll up AND down, might be useful. They let you roll up from the bottom so you can have a gap at the top. This will allow light in, but will prevent people from seeing in - which is always great if you have lower windows. They’re called top up bottom down blinds.

    • +1

      Second the top down bottom up blind suggestion for practicality.

      If it is a glass balcony door, would go with curtains with pelmet for winter sake.

      Would think it comes down to $$…

      • +1

        Thanks for the correction on the name! My brain has decided it’s already on holidays.

        • +1

          Yup. This is the longest week of the longest year in history!

  • For our new house, we purchased single roller blinds for windows and panel gliders for our sliding glass door, both from

  • +1

    Roller Blinds < Double Roller Blinds < Curtains
    FYI - Curtains are fricken expensive and that can cut most of the sunlight, make sure to cover at least 10 cm from each side of the window.

  • +2

    Depends on the look you want - but be sure to multiply the width of the window by 3 for curtain measurements.

    If you like darkness/have rooms facing west, I would go for blinds and block out curtains. In our street facing room we have screening rollers that are almost always down, plus roman blinds over the top.

    In kids bedrooms we have block out blinds and block out curtains (the little buggers still don't sleep) This reduces noise and light.

    In our room we have sheer curtains and heavy block out curtains. This reduces the view in from the street with the sheers and theoretically blocks some sound and heat (west facing).

    Do you research, measure multiple times before you buy, keep your receipts

  • how about smart tint flim?

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