COD Cold War, Too Much Downloading

I don't game a lot, but I got a game for Christmas, Call of duty, Cold War on PS4. Popped it in the Playstation. The disc had to download to the Playstation first. Took approx 45 mins. Then before I can play the game I had to download an update. Had to delete a few things first as it wouldn't fit on ps4. The download was 35gb and due to slow internet i had to leave it overnight to complete. Then in the morning I try to play the campaign and I have to download another 13gb of data. Is this how it is now with console games? Whats the point of getting the disc?


  • +3

    Modern warfare is a nice 90gb on PC.

    As graphics and textures improve, so will the file size. Isn't it a shame Murdoch basically screwed Australia so while every other country has decent internet, we're still stuck in the dark age and suffer for it.

    • +1

      My 250/20 disagrees with you

      • Watch as the 'have' tactlessly taunts the 'have not'.

  • Boot up a PC and download an old classic for 25GB, alot of fun to be had in 25GB lol - Command & Conquer Remastered

  • The last COD was the same, every time I ran the game it was either downloading some gigantic update (20-60GB's), or optimising shaders….

  • PC is even worse, you have to download the entire game. They used to provide several discs then they reduced it to one. Now you get a empty case other the download code.
    At least with consoles you (usually) get the greater part of the game on disc/cartridge.

  • If you’re looking to play the campaign first (ie not online multiplayer), you can just cancel the update downloads and play the game for now.
    The install from the disc is not skippable unfortunately.

    I know what you mean though, gone are the days devs thoroughly test their games to release complete products.
    Cyberpunk I’m looking at you.

  • Yeah its crazy!, in 2020 we should all have at least 50 mbps net, which I do and its still slow for these huge DL's esp as the servers get smashed/so busy so I never get full speed for long (on xbox) DL's….
    what net are you on? Im with Exetel FTTB and they're great.

  • We have NBN 50, through optus. We couldn't play campaign, it said we had to update the game. There was a zombies option we couldn't play either. We could only play online with 2 maps but no online, just against bots. So spend the night downloading only to be stuck with no campaign just another download.

  • +2

    Is this how it is now with console games? Whats the point of getting the disc?

    Yes. I think they try to get the disk to market ASAP, so to do so, they just put whatever they can on the disk at the time, then bring out a day 1 patch for when you get the game. Unfortunately this brings out the annoying issue that you have to install the game which takes ages (though worth it compared to playing off the disc drive I'd say). But then you have to download the whole entire day 1 patch as well.

    Unfortunately if you're getting the game a few weeks after release, you kind of have to expect a a post patch as well which then increases the download size even more.

    I'd say this is even more common for games with multiplayer support, updates come out regularly, I remember seeing it always downloading on my PS4.

  • +1

    Many top end games are like this now. The smart parents will install and update on the consoles on Christmas Eve (or before) so that it's ready for the kids to play on Christmas morning.

    Honestly I thought it was a well known issue/solution by now.

  • Totally normal for modern games. they are 100% untested and released to the lemmings in bug ridden condition and companies try adn fix bugs by the gig - but usually add more bugs by the 10g

    Most on xbox now have 2-3tb external drives to fit everything

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