AliExpress Messages Cannot Be Deleted

I have aliexpress. In the messages, I can delete them from the website or from the Android app. Every now and then, a bunch of them come back.

This happens whether I deleted some from the app or from the web site. seems if you delete it from one it will not be deleted from the other anyway so you need to delete this thing at least twice?

so today I open the Android app and suddenly I have messages from November back here.

I find it very hard to manage because there are so many problems on Aliexpress I have to keep on top of which orders I have to complain about or do a dispute. it doesn't help when everything is buried under a mountain of messages.

Have you found the same issue and do you know how to fix it?

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  • -1

    Do you really think they care about some gum stuck on their shoes?

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