Doctors Refusing to See Particular Patients

I was just 'triaged' by a specialist i was refered to and she has refused to see me.

how often does this happen?

what are the reasons for it?


    • Please understand that specialists are not always available on a whim, especially neurologists.

      When I went to see an orthopedic surgeon, I could go to a less well known one and see them this week or next, or a well known one that does surgeries on 1st great footballers but wait 3-4 months.

      • and did your condition worsen in the 3 - 4 months?

        why does no one care about my brain?

        • +1

          That's up for speculation. If I didn't continue playing sport, I'd be in a better health position.

          I'm sure someone cares about your brain and your health. But unfortunately, there is a limited number of specialists whom are experts with the brain, let alone, are available sooner rather than later.

          Hang in there!

          • @pogichinoy:

            there is a limited number of specialists whom are experts with the brain

            that's by design though

            they keep a strict limit on training places

            because the more of them there are, the less money they can charge

            • @bargain huntress: I don't believe it's motivated by money because the govt subsidises a part of the costs. It's like hospitals with patients per bed ratios.

              Have you reached out to Dr Teo?

            • @bargain huntress: Australians want quality and not quantity. Only the best should be allowed to practice here.

              • @whooah1979: we could train plenty more australians to be doctors before losing 'quality'

                we don't do that very much

                instead we steal doctors from the rest of the world. including third world countries
                who mustn't all be high enough 'quality' because sometimes they make them do even more training
                and then they dont have enough doctors in the countries they came from

                • @bargain huntress: Australia isn't stealing anyone.

                  People will do what they need to do to improve their lives. They will migrate to countries with better social services, higher education opportunities, job prospects, higher wages, lower crime rates, a stable government, a stronger currency, the right to own personal assets and other liberty rights.

                  They wouldn't have come here if their country provided those things.

  • i don't know how to make it to september

    • That sounds like a great title for a song…

    • +1

      Have you tried phoning around neurologists yourself? Sometimes they may have a cancellation appointment (or at least a cancellation list)

      • thanks for the suggestion

        i am on the cancellation list with 3rd neuro

        my gp also wrote again and asked me to phone this 3rd neurologist myself also - 'to humanise me'
        but i keep getting an answering machine

        gp doesnt think there is anyone else in the area
        i guess i could look myself though

        • +1

          Definitely worth phoning around. Another option if there is no one locally and you need review quickly is a telehealth consultation with a neurologist further away. Not as good as being seen face to face, but probably better than nothing

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