Is This Reasonable Repairs Cost ?

Hi all,
I took my car to mechanic in new area as I have recently moved. Though not quite sure if this is reasonable price, any thoughts on the price?

RWC = $175.00
Left hand rear indicator replaced = $8.50
Rear fog light replaced = $8.50
2x Drive belts to be re tensioned = $135.00 – 1hr labour
High pressure power steering line rack to pump MAJOR LEAK (3hrs labour $405.00, cost to repair pipe $395.00) = $800.00
Lower engine stabiliser perished heavily (part $200.00, 30mins labour $67.50)
Front timing case clean down = $135.00 – 1hr Labour as starting point, to see if there is possibly anything else leaking and how bad
Brake fluid flush (4% moisture content too high) = $79.00
2x Front tyres URGENT LHF Tyre is bald Right hand front tyre is on wires = $300.00 ($150.00 each)
Wheel alignment = $89.00


  • +6

    Front timing case clean down - maybe overkill

    Everything else seems ok.

    Why did your tyres get so bad? Do you ever check them? When was it last serviced? How many km since last service?

    • Agreed. It's 10 minutes work, and $2 worth of degreaser.

  • +1

    How often do you get a professional mechanic to check your car?

    • +1

      Looks like the car hasn't been serviced in 2-3 years lol

      Given the itemised jobs, it looks pretty reasonable to me if they are all genuine issues

      Appears to be an independent mechanic, because if it was a stealership servicing department, it's $250 per hr~ of labour.. and they charge ridiculous amounts of time per part too

  • +10

    LHF Tyre is bald Right hand front tyre is on wires

    Get off the friggin road muppet. Why in the world has this happened?

  • +3

    Member Since
    48 min ago

    Welcome to OzCars.

    Neglecting a car is a false economy as well as stupid and dangerous, it always ends up costing more in the long run.

    That quote sounds pretty cheap to me, don't be surprised though if the mechanic finds other faults when they start work and clean up the motor.

  • Individual prices sound reasonable, it’s just that it adds up when put together.

    Why does it need RWC? Annual, transfer of ownership?

  • Uh huh… is the Car even Insured?

    • +1

      Yes and no.

      Yes - the op has insurance.

      No - the insurance company on post incident inspection will void insurance because op neglected to keep the car in a reasonably safe condition

  • How would we know with the I go provided? Rwc costs vary between states, and prices vary wildly between different cars.

    I agree with the sentiment above, that car shouldn't be on the road with tyres like that.

  • +1

    Things I would have an issue with in that quote.

    Drive belt retensioned - Pretty sure most cars have an automatic tensioner if it needs tensioning then the tensioner is bad?
    Timing case clean - This is a rip off.
    The high pressure hose replacement - $800 to replace a hose seems a bit steep.

  • +2

    Last Seen
    33 min ago

    Looks like OP has gone shy on us.

  • The pipe repair is a bit exploitative, the hose for that is maybe $35 at best. Plus maybe 2 hours labour
    Depending on the car as well $150 a tyre is up there.
    Retensioning seems fine if they've been replaced previously.

  • I can add some windscreen wiper fluid for you at a low cost of $65.

    • Would you take 60 cash today?

      • +2

        For you MS Paint, $50 and will take bank transfer.

        • +2

          I'll send you a screen capture confirming the transfer via PM

  • Car appears to have been under-maintained as there are some very basic issues there that should never have made it to the inspection. It would have raised a lot of red flags with the inspector.

    I think those prices are reasonable but it's hard to say as prices vary between Rolls Royce and Corolla.

  • prices are reasonable

    did you get caught driving an unregistered vehicle?

  • Hehehe @ front timing cover clean for $135.
    Lol @ re-tension two drive belts for $135

    Did you have a rotating beacon on your head, because they saw you coming. :D

  • Labour rate is far too excessive, as are some time values too long to perform repairs as described.

    Bit of a rip me thinks.

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