How Can Australian Service Workers Survive in The Current Climate?

Hello Friends,

I would like to start a discussion about how can Australian service workers survive in the current climate. Currently we are facing tremendous pressures due to many factors such as:

1) High value of Australian Dollar - which makes outsourcing any labour practically impossible due to it not being feasible for foreigners to employ Australians for digital work. Actually many Aussie work is being outsourced to places with cheaper currencies that are good with English. Of course there are cultural barriers but with some research and trials you can easily find a digital worker abroad that is able to deliver good enough results.

2) Advancements in AI and ML - This is touching all industries and would result in a lot of people being put out of work in the near future. I know many argue that new jobs will come up but it is not going to be even close to equal or more. Just like industrial revolution replaced physical labour with machines, AI and ML have capability to replace mental labour and surpass human capability to do fairly complex mental tasks. If you have not watched the documentary on how machine was able to beat human in the game "Go" then you should.

3) Ageing - As humans get older, their ability to learn a new language decreases, thus we find that older people are less adaptive than a younger people. We need more time to recover physically and mentally than younger folks and there is discrimination in the labour market that prefers more performant individuals. Hence the changes of more people falling through the cracks become higher.

4) Pressures on wage - If you are working a low or medium wage job, chances are that you are barely making enough to pay bills. Thus it is quite difficult to keep a buffer even after budgeting astutely. The cost of accommodation, utilities, transport, groceries themselves take most portion of the wage and the balance of saving is not enough for an individual to survive the times they would be likely be facing disruption in the job market. Once you fall, the recover is even harder because it affects you mentally, you won't have good enough clothes, your health gives away that you are poor and thus it is even more unlikely for you to land a good job.

5) Supporting human demands - Many people want children, want to take care of their family, want to travel, want to celebrate something or the other, but a lot of this costs money. Yes you can go low budget on many of these things or even forego it completely. In fact most would suggest that you invest that money into the market and watch it compound. It all depends on individuals' wants however we all have them and we are not machines. Even at some workplaces, if I got injured or sick its bad news (I was actually fired once for falling ill when I was a youngster) I generally don't like taking sick days. Low incomes can also mean families break apart, lower chances of finding love and higher chances of being lonely and depressed and along with all that breakdown of mental/physical support systems.

In such a scenario, how are we to survive ? If we don't have our labour power to sell, we cannot survive. Any good solutions?


  • +1


    But will be fought bitterly by the rich.

    • If you are really rich you move to a tax haven and don't have to pay anything.

      It is what you call the working rich. Seems like anyone more than average salaries. If you are only $100k your effective tax rate is 30% so you're paying $30k income tax which makes you unlikely to consume that much.

  • +1

    3) Ageing is a huge opportunity. Older people can empathise better with older people and can provide services to even older people who need care.

    Older people are less adaptive than a younger people

    This is a sad reflection of lower socio-economic situations (mindset and actual experience). Neurogenesis and neuroplasticity - growth of new brain cells and rewiring of brain cells - mean older people can be just as adaptive as younger people (any shortfall can be more than compensated with more life experience and wisdom), it's up to the individual.

    2) will probably result in a basic income for all and then we can earn additional income on top.

    4) pressure on wages, but have you seen the pressure on inflation - it's similar. Flat wages, but flat costs.

    5) economics is about scare resources and making trade-offs. Unfortunately, everyone has to make these, even billionaires - who might trade-off health, time for money, and maybe regret it later in life.

    • Very true with third point. I do take it as an advantage to be older and perhaps also can see people who are young reaching newer heights at what it took me year’s or maybe even a decade to achieve. Learning is a lifelong process and experiences make us rich.

  • UBI needs to happen and I have faith that it will. The world is a mess right now and many people are suffering silently.

  • Learn new skills in nascent industries. Look for industries that are being brushed off by the majority of people, governments, media and businesses.

    Fill the gap where others don't see.

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