Plants for Front Porch - with Privacy

Hey Guys,

I was wondering if anyone could kindly give me some advice on plants.

I currently have a very open front porch and plan to purchase planter boxes like this:…

Can someone please advise me on the best trees/plants to buy which wouldn't be too high but too short - enough to give some privacy for my front door.

Many thanks :)


  • Bougainvilleas for a sunny spot.

    • Thanks for the suggestion, i'm definitely doing that for my backyard.

      Not sure if this will be enough coverage for my front porch though. I need something to hide my parcels :)

  • A number of years ago I put a few larger planters on my front porch. One day I came home and they had all been stolen. Never again :)

    • +1

      what is wrong with people -_-.

      sorry to hear!

      • It seems like anything gets stolen these days unless it is bolted down or hard locked. Cut off the hand of the thief, I say!

  • +1

    Something hedge like. Japanese Box or Murraya. Keep trimmed to the size you want. Get the largest, heaviest pots you can get otherwise they'll just be stolen along with your parcels.

    • Thanks so much for the reply.

      Thats a great idea :)


      • or bricks in the nice planters you have picked out - to add weight!

        • Yup i was thinking of putting some large rocks or bricks inside the planterbox :)

          Thanks :)

  • pots;

    those pots don't look too bad

    Get the largest, heaviest pots you can get otherwise they'll just be stolen along with your parcels.

    also the larger pots you get, the happier and easier to care for your plants will be, because;
    they will have more room
    their roots will stay cooler
    and their soil wont dry out as easily (if they ever do dry out badly, remember to use a wetting agent when you next water them)

    depending on the plant you might want to consider what it will climb on - do you need a frame or trellis etc?


    you sort of get what you pay for usually but not always
    best bags of potting mix you can afford
    if you have a trailor and are filling a lot of big pots buying from a landscape place can be cheaper depending
    but if you really need to save money one option is to buy the cheapest bagged potting mix at bunnings and then mix in a slow release and some blood and bone


    it's good if you can find someone at the nursery (even bunnings) who knows what grows well in your area

    considerations to check:

    full grown size - if too big are you going to prune it
    sun needs - check hourly one day how much sun each planned position gets and choose a plant accordingly
    water needs and how you're going to water them
    speed of growth
    scent - do you want one? will that be annoying?
    is it going to drop leaves or flowers or berries and will that be annoying?

    wisteria - slow
    various climbing plants
    golden cane palm
    various shrubs as long as you regularly prune them to keep them dense

    • +1

      Thanks for the indepth advice, i will pass this onto my husband :P

  • I have two large pots with weeping figs planted, they make a nice screen.

    • Ooo thanks for that suggestion, i will look into it :P

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