So many game posts on the deals page...

Dont you guys agree? i find that items of interest have consistently dwindled since i first joined two years ago, and replaced with dollar saving items and throwaway software and gadgets.

should there be an option to disregard all game posts, or items of such low value that it costed me more in the time i glanced the post than i'll ever get back by the savings from purchasing it?

the slow change had been particularly pronounced since i had not visited ozb for a number of months.

Mod: Moved to Announcement & Feedback forum.


  • I agree with the posts about saving not much money.
    I think people should have a look around for similar items before posting on here because a lot of the bargains are not in fact bargains at all. They are just advertised as bargains then not properly researched… Not true Ozbargainer form if you ask me ;)

  • +1

    What kind of games?

    You can currently block deals by domains. For example if you are not an iPhone/iPad user and don't want to see all those free iOS games, then,

    1. Go to one of the iOS deal. For example, this one.
    2. Click on "Hide from Listing"
    3. Check "Hide deals from store iTunes Store"

    and you won't see iOS games any more on your listing.

  • +1

    ahh that helps a lot. steam and itunes, yuck, gone now.

    however that still leaves the myriad of 0.01cent "deals" which all seem to attract votes like nothing else. waste of time.

    is there a classification of deals by saving? e.g. i can filter out posts with saving <$10? that would be nice

    • Even better would be saving by percentage!!

      • there'd be many infinite savings posts then =P. better would be both >$10 and >x%. but then apple products never get more than a few %, so u'd miss those.

  • just ignore them..of course if something like the engadget tag systen can be implemented…you could filter by tags ie add a "-game" to the URL or something

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