One Year On: Toilet Roll Hoarding

Well, its about one year since the world went crazy and started hoarding toilet paper, with stores continually selling out and with some among us profiteering on eBay and Gumtree.

I'm curious to know, how long your supply lasted and if you have any left?

Personally, I think we have 1 or 2 commercial rolls left. Those are those Km long ones, single ply. We just have no way to mount them, so may never be used. They were given to us because we never stocked up and were rationing for months…or using the shower hose.


  • I just buy the 2x$10 Quilton packs from Shell Coles Express every other monthly 160L petrol fill-up (essentially free with Flybuys). Never been a major issue getting them in Sydney.

    • 160L fill up? Do you drive a tank?

      • +1

        hoarding more than just dunny rolls.

      • +1

        FJ Cruisers have a standard 159L tank good for about 1,200 KM.

        • +1

          FJ Cruisers have a standard 159L tank

          Moot point for owners, but how much extra fuel do they consume just lugging all that fuel around…

          • +2

            @Chandler: Probably no more than having a permanent adult passenger onboard at all times.

            Dwarfed with all the mods and added heavy dead weight that everyone puts on them, but it's designed for long adventures and off-road trips rather than work commutes.

        • Really?

          That's pretty cool. Can you lie the back seats flat and sleep in it?

          I'd be tempted to get an FJ if I could use it for hiking and stuff.

          • @Telios: Indeed you can and simply stick an inflatable air mattress in there if you don't want a roof top tent.


            They're on very inflated prices at the moment. Most expensive around when I got mine was 50k and that was pushing it, but they're 65k right now for a nice clean one due to demand. Crazy.

  • +4

    Who actually hoarded dunny paper?
    I only buy when on special and then stock up.

  • +1

    Haven't bought any during COVID and still have plenty left due to an Amazon deal that you had to buy heaps to get a ridiculous price per roll, … just before COVID.

  • +3

    I purchased the same amount as usual, like any normal, sane, logical person.

  • using the shower hose.

    Eco friendly.

  • I actually didnt hoard shit i got on a amazon deal and purchased a few slabs on Ozbargin

    1 week later the pandemic hit and bang the selves of every shop was empty…

  • +1

    Why did you have to ration up?

  • +3

    Family of 6 and we didn't buy more than we usually would because we are not arseholes.

    Edit no pun intended.

  • I buy 2x 36s from Big W click collect because I hardly go out with the babies and stick up when I do. I bought them before the hoarding all started though, good timings :D

  • I already had a year supply thanks to those ozb amazon deals..

    pandemic hits and the wife goes nuts and buys commercial roles which lasts 6mths.

    had to get creative with zip ties to put them on our existing roll holder.

  • Never had a shortage.

  • I still have one of those commercial rolls, it's about a foot and a half wide. Am going to keep it for the memories (plus it looks pretty low quality scratchy stuff) Can still remember texting the missus after i managed to get the last wet wipe bum tissues during the worst of times in vic and felt like John Cusack in Say anything with his boom box.

  • QLD, have never needed to hoard or stock up, just bought from Costco whenever we’re running low as per “normal” and have always managed to get stock.

    There was one shop right when things started going down and they had just brought out a new pallet of rolls when I got there. 10~15 minutes later I circled back and they were all gone, so maybe got lucky on that day, but apart from that one specific instance there’s always been plenty on the shelf.

  • We ended up using sandpaper and IGA rough stuff for a $1/roll (limit of 2 per person) cos it was all we could get for weeks.
    Now we take no risks and order the 45 packs from Amazon and reorder halfway through.
    We will never be the same again

  • couple hundred rolls left. But im the type of person who buys a whole bunch at a time because they never go off, and never get used more just because theres heaps here. If you got caught out this time, you're a bit silly. you've had a long time to buy at least a months worth. I only bought more once everything was back to normal. I don't rush to hang out with potential covidiots when these events happen.

  • I've always kept a 6 month supply and had just done a Costco run a week before it became an issue so didn't have a problem.

  • Whenever there's a good deal on TP I stock up, been doing this for years, so the great TP shortage of 2020 didn't affect me, my 'hoard' had dropped to about 50 rolls by the time stores had restocked properly.

  • Sounds like the hoarders were always hoarder, 6 months supply lol.

    • +1

      It's cheaper per roll to buy a single 40 pack than multiple smaller packs. Doesn't go off so why not?

      • -2

        ok junior boomer

        • What are you doing on this site if you're not looking to save money?

  • We never had an issue because we are the sort of idiots that buy extra nonperishables for points shopping. A packet of double length rolls was a good choice. It meant we had a pretty good stash in the garage. I even had some old hand sanitiser left over in the kitchen cupboard.

  • What is this toilet paper you speak of??

  • Still using the 2008 stockpile.

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