Help me build a PC <$1500

Hey all. I'm very out of the loop when it comes to PC components these days, but I've decided that I'm going to bite the bullet and build a low end/mid range PC.

I don't have much spare time these days to justify spending a huge amount so I'm looking to keep it under $1500, and if someone has a decent budget option I would be interested. Also not ruling out pre-builds, just thinking I might be able to do it slightly cheaper if I build it myself.

I play a few games pretty casually (AoE2:DE (because this game will never die), rocket league and some of the total war series. Would be keen to try out some of the newer games when I get the chance, but I've never really cared for playing on ultra high settings. If it looks decent and runs smoothly I'm happy.

Any tips on where to look for components as well would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for any and all help!


  • I think these lads will be better

    • Thanks mate!

  • +4

    Dang you just missed out on the TechFast 3600/3070 pre-build for 1.5k.

    I would probably aim for a good value pre-built as GPU prices are absurd at the moment.

    If you decide to build:

    Leaves you about $650 for a GPU. Ideally something above 1660 Ti and above.

    3060 Tis were about 700 at one stage.

    • Thank you so much! That helps a lot, great to have a reference point. With pre-built PC's, are there any traps that I should look out for?

      • +1

        Wouldn't say traps however what I do look out for is the quality of the other parts.

        Usually pre-builts cost as much as the CPU and GPU and everything else is basically free so it isn't too much of a concern but it is ideal to swap it out for a quality part.

        Watch out for second hand PC sellers as they tend to over price their PCs to make profits. If you do find something you should probably post on reddit or ozb to see if its worth it.

  • +2

    Raspberry Pi 400

  • +1

    I'm in pretty much the same situation as OP at the moment, and I've been reading online about The Great GPU Shortage, lots of people are saying that it's not a good idea to build a PC until maybe halfway through this year. Also I've been seeing rumors of how next generation CPU and GPU will be yet another huge leap in performance (changes in architecture and a lower nm on the transistors or something). Since I've put up with my 2011 MacBook for so long I thought I'd just wait. Kinda annoying to ever buy this kind of tech from a bargain POV, because next gen will always make current products seem like they're not worth it

    • +3

      Whenever you're wanting to buy a GPU, there will always be someone telling you to wait for next gen GPU. It's a never ending cycle.

      I bought my 2070S for around $600 AUD knowing that the 3000 RTX series was coming out in under 3 months.

      My mindset is to get something that I know will handle what I want, be on sale (good value) and last a while.

      Kind of counter intuitive but I would wait, especially when older gen GPUs prices are higher than its initial launch price. Also does not hurt to look for second hand GPUs.

    • -3

      God your formating is horrible! I kinda get your feeling getting new pc, but then am lost in your drizzle of your needs?

      Edit: thank god Diverse had the will and power… thx mate.

  • +2

    I find this an interesting page if you want to see general ballpark pricing (choose AUS) and configurations:

    • Thank you so much, that helps a ton!

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