Raspberry Pi $25 Pocket-Size Computer with HDMI - Don't Tell Apple!

The big hardware companies won't want you to know about this mini rocket:

The Raspberry Pi, the little $25 computer that can run Quake 3 Arena and play HD videos, is scheduled to go into volume production in January.


At just $25 who can say no?!?

It's gonna undercut all its rivals bigtime. Time to sell those Apple shares?


  • This thing would be awesome if u could install XBMC on it. Doesnt have wifi though?

    • It's got the USB's, so theoretically you should be able to plug in a dongle to get the WiFi's too! ;)

    • It will run XBMC, and it has an ethernet port for wired connections. There is exactly zero chance of me NOT buying one of these.

  • I've been wondering when these were coming out. I'll probably buy both versions just for comparison & to support the company! :D

    It's a bit of a shame they didn't keep the form factor as per the original USB flash drive size, that was just such a neat concept; but that minor change doesn't detract from the fact that it's a hell of an accomplishment! :)

  • The specs aren't amazing, and neither is compatibility (according to it's designer) - the $35 version has Ethernet, but only 10/100, which isn't enough to stream 1080p videos.

    This isn't aimed at replacing a high-powered tablet, it is aimed at teaching programing, so expect all the media functions to be secondary.

    • the $35 version has Ethernet, but only 10/100, which isn't enough to stream 1080p videos

      I don't know where everyone gets the idea that you can't stream 1080p over 10/100 ethernet? So long as the bitrate is sub-12Mbps it will stream just fine. Plenty of media players don't have gigabit, and they do it with no dramas.

      You've also got to remember, not all 1080p files are the same either, there's a plethora of different codecs & containers to consider before you even think A/V bitrates!

      Hell, before my local area got too congested with the WiFi's I used to be able to stream modest bitrate 1080p's across my wireless 'g' network with the right network & QoS settings! :)

      • I think of it this way, no idea if it has some flaw to it.

        100mbit is 11 megabytes per second on average.

        This means technically a 2 hour movie could roughly be up to 80GB and work over 100mbit

        The main issue is the computer decoding the file and the fact that it would likely need to be a little lower just in case.

        Never tested it obviously, but I can say I've never had a problem with 15+GB 1080p movies over 100mbit.

  • +1

    Strange heading, given that most Apple users are not into playing around with their systems. Which confuses the hell out of those who do. eg the why pay for something user, when you can build it yourself.

    I think Billy boy was the smart one selling out of his Microsoft shares, its more in line with that customer demographic…

    • I think Billy boy was the smart one selling out of his Microsoft shares, its more in line with that customer demographic

      Nah, I'd be thinking it's more up the alley of the Linux enthusiast/tinkerer. I think the heading is a play on the fruit name and Apple's well documented predilection for lawsuits!

    • I'll agree with ozpete as well that the title was badly written. I don't think Apple will lose sleep over this device as Apple users are probably more interested in things that "just work" rather than "tinkering until it works".

      However I can see there's still a huge market for this. This world is more than just rich (or heavily in debt) western world who can afford Apple hardware. Sooner or later a Chinese or an Indian shop will use this to create a device that's affordable by many household in developing and 3rd world countries, to enable them to get onto the Internet age. Might never be as good as an Apple TV, and will be "good enough" for many people.

    • +1

      It's a well kept secret that the Raspberry Pi is actually the case-less internals of a Mac Mini, so hence the title.

  • I can't wait. These things are going to be fantastic for old low end gaming at work. ;)

  • gr8 - would love to buy one when available

  • -2

    Careful, Apple managed to get an injunction against Samsung based on the fact that the Galaxy Tab what rectangular, black and a tablet. This one is even named after a fruit!!

    • CAREFUL - Oh please. Bringing up this Samsung vs Apple game in a completely different thread.

      Being new here, understand this is a bargain site - we have spent some time hosing down these trolling comments which have infected many bargain posts - where emotional posts by various fanbois have spoiled many deals that might appeal to one side or another.

      So going off topic is a sensitive issue here. Now this is a discussion forum so different rules apply, but staying on topic is still somewhat important. There are other threads that are more relevant if you want to get into this patent debate.

      BTW On patents etc Samsung have been awarded 4894 patents last year vs Apple 676.

      Taking out patents and NOT trying to enforce them isnt what taking out patents is all about.

      Given what you said in another post about legalities, discuss with your legal friends, the effect of NOT taking action on a patent when you believe its being infringed. And that taking action means that the courts decide, which has a hell of a lot more relevance that what one fanbois or another says. Thats why we have courts.

      • +2

        I took it as he was making a light-hearted joke (a very OZ thing to do)

  • So where and when are we going to expect these up for sale?

  • It's now available for purchase, however the sites appear to be getting nailed at the moment so…
    They're only selling the $35 Model B for now. More info on the site when the traffic dies down I guess :-)

  • Farnell put their price up. RS seems better priced.

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