Do You Rent or Own Your Principal Place of Residence?

Following the post What Home Do You Live In?

I am keen to hear everyone's response about Do You Rent or Do you Own?

edit: for clarification - this is your Principle Place of residence

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  • 46
  • 475
  • 231


    • Not the 65% that people are claiming in the poll.

      Polling a different segment of the population here, so the result would be very different.

      Ozbargain isn't going to be representative of the entire population of Australia.

      • -2

        Yes.. but the result should be skewed even further, because the majority of people who own outright are retiree's who don't use the internet.

        I would be willing to bet less then 10% of OzBargain users actually own their home outright.

        • because the majority of people who own outright are retiree's who don't use the internet.

          Again, this is not necessarily true for the Ozbargain users.

          It may well be for the country as a whole.

          No one asked if you own the house outright either, having a home with a mortgage still means you own it.

          Using your own statistics, it says that 67% of people own their home with or without a mortgage. So almost identical to the results of the poll here.

          • -1

            @[Deactivated]: "having a home with a mortgage still means you own it"

            Try telling that to the Sheriff who arrives with the foreclosure notice when the recession bites, interest rates increase and you can't meet mortgage repayments. Then you will learn who own's your home… it's the banks.

            • +1


              Try telling that to the Sheriff who arrives with the foreclosure notice

              I mean, if you wait until then, its probably too late.
              That is really a discussion you should be having long before it gets to that stage.

              Anyway, your own links say that people with mortgages are home owners, in particular your link to AIHW

              Then you will learn who own's your homeā€¦ it's the banks.

              The owner is whos name is on the title, hint… It's not the banks name.

  • Why would anyone want to pay off their debt when governments just keep printing more and more money and interest rates are close to zero?
    I paid off my first mortgage in 9 months when business was booming then reborrowed the lot to continue investing.
    These days I have more good debt than I've ever had in my life.
    Many would say this is too risky.
    I say keeping savings in cash is the riskiest plan of all.

  • We own a few places that we rent out.

    We also live in a rental.

  • Own, no mortgage.)

  • Own and mortgage free. Feels great!

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