Bought a Pre-built Computer with a USB-C Mobo but No USB-C Port on The Case

Purchased the Techfast AMD/3070 combo a couple of months back (great deal otherwise btw), upgraded the motherboard to MSI B550M for the wifi and USB-C.

Did not realise that I needed a port on the case for it to work. Assumed that either the case would have a slot, or it'll be in the I/O panel on the back.

Has anyone figured any ingenious way to utilise this port or am I flat out of luck and need to grab another case?


  • +2

    You need to make sure the case supports a front panel USB-C. Otherwise you can DIY it and replace the front USB with a USB C but it'll just look ugly.

  • +4

    Wouldn't your new mobo come with a backplate with the correct holes?

    • Unfortunately didn't receive one. Looks like I can grab one of them from the poster below.

    • Yeah, this. Easy problem to solve.

  • Should have picked a case with USB C on the front i/o. You might be able to jerryrig some cable in between that and the header, but it probably won't be full speed.

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