Any Lol Player Can Duo with Me?

play rank….im Gold 2 long time back..took a few years break and now back to lol.

im bronze now..can carry nearly everygame but can't win …anyone can join me?


  • +2

    U wot mate

  • You Gamer-holic?

    I no play game, sorry.

  • Join a discord server…

  • I do lol TFT only haha..

  • Sorry i play Dota

  • I used to play grinded to almost platinum from bronze in a few months only playing after work. Trolls and rage quitters/ragers in general are just too much in this game so i quit and now i can barely play haha. Moved on to Warzone and enjoying it more.

  • Try facebook lol. Biggest aussie community there. People recruit for clash there too.

  • What role are you maining? Have stopped playing league (taking a long break haha..) after many years but I'd recommend top lane. 1v1 island and if you are playing at a higher rank you should be able to play a bully and push to inhibs every time and win 60%+. I recommend the croc, used to main him and hit plat with him later on.

    • I recommend the croc


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