Free emulators for Android

I'm sure some of you know about this, but for those that don't - yongzh made most of his apps free after they were pulled from the android market. It says for a limited time only but they've been up there for a while so I dunno

You can get the Atari, GB/A, Sega Mastersystem, Sega Genesis, Nes/SNES emulators for free. The N64 one is $5 (Never used it. Don't know how well it performs)

His emulators are definitely the best you will find (Although apparently he stole most of the code)


  • Thanks for the post, works fine on my Acer LM

  • Thanks OP, just to find some roms now :)

  • Im trying to find a particular tennis game for the Gameboy, its unlike others as it involves training to level up your character but I can't remember the name of it at all. Any retro gamers here who would know which one it is?

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