Has Anyone on OzBargain Ever Won an International Competition??

I have been comping here on OzBargan forever (or it feels like it anyway) and have yet to win anything at all. A thought came to me today about whether anyone here has won an INTERNATIONAL competition and if so what?? My question arises in part because there are a gazillion entries in the international comps that I enter (mostly computers and other tech stuff) so my chances are obviously slim to none. However, it strikes me that an international comp could easily not award a prize because in reality, who would really know?? Anyway, it would be somewhat comforting to know if anyone in Oz has won one or more of these comps, what they won, and how did the comp organiser get the winning to you?? The last two questions are more for my curiosity than anything else… lol. Cheers, Michael


    • thx for your comment - ya know what, I did several searches and didn't find much and that's why I posted the question…

  • few years ago i entered a competition to win NCAA basketball tickets through OzBargain, and ended up winning a pair of them. Pity i wasn't in the US at the time of the game, but i did end up selling them on Craigslist for $100 USD

  • I won some Amazon.com credit so it was easy to receive because they E-mail'd me the Gift Voucher.

  • My son won a really nice rug at the company Christmas party raffle when we lived in Hong Kong.

  • +3

    I, personally, do not believe in most competitions, especially these random unknown xxxxx.gg or gleam.io ones with significant prizes ($5,000 PC or whatever). It's all fake to get clicks, likes and subscriptions.

    • yeah, this has become my opinion lately - thx for your reply…

  • I won Call of Duty Black Ops 3 through a UK PC shop on the competitions page. I sold the key.

    I think it took a year of competitions and cost me a gmail of spam and a twitter account I'll never use. I quit entering competitions after that win. I need a bot for deleting emails and unsubscribing.

  • I won an SK hynix SL301 250GB SSD from hexus.net who are based in the UK, in 2016. I'm still booting my desktop from it.

  • Yes, I won a cloud gaming headset from the USA, but they could only ship it within the US. Fortunately I had a colleague with family they were visiting a couple of months later who brought it back with them for the price of a lunch!

    Never won a gleam one but had a ton of spam. time vs effort = not worth it, I'm sure no one really wins those!

    • yep, I agree…

  • Won an SSD from one of those yearly EVGA scavenger hunts

  • +2

    No - I don’t enter international ones. I did for a short time but came to the same conclusion as you. I’ve had a bunch of wins through Aussie competitions, mostly 25 words or less ones including through channel 10, mindfood, home living, LG, RACQ and various magazines - in total I’d say about $3000 worth over 10 years. I haven’t won anything recently except a random competition at work. I don’t have as much time to enter competitions these days but I also think there are far more entries than there used to be.

    • yes, I too have won stuff in OZ (all from another site); the best was a trip for three to a Katy Perry concert in New York which I gave to my daughter. Other than that, small electronics like a foot massager, electric blender, stuff like that. I agree that it seems harder to win these days than say 5 years ago; maybe that's because of more ppl comping, or maybe I'm just getting unlucky… lol.

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