Installing Insulation - Batts + Foilboard?

I'm planning to reclad my north-facing and west-facing weatherboard wall due to poor condition peeling paint that has a lead primer. My initial plan was to scrape and repaint but it's too labour intensive and I hate doing it.

My house is an old weatherboard place, probably built 1920s-ish. It has ceiling insulations but nothing in the walls. When I reclad, I plan to put in insulation, I'm wondering about whether I put in batts + foilboard to maximise my insulation on these walls, or if this would be overkill given I'll have other walls with no insulation, and no plan to insulate these walls in the future?
I'm also planning on putting in battens between the foilboard (or foilwrap) and the weatherboards which is not currently the case. I think that it might look weird when it comes back into the corners, if I have 20mm foilboard plus say a 20mm batten that'll have to tie back 40mm between the corner stop and the next stud in (~430mm ) - would this be noticeable?

I also plan on putting in underfloor insulation at some point, but haven't thought about it too much yet.

Edit - supplementary question, I have a fixing gun and a framing gun, I'm guessing that neither of these is particularly useful? I may have to invest in a coil gun


  • Have a look at spray foam insulation. I haven’t used it myself, nor I know anyone who has, but there are companies that do it and from my understanding it’s more lasting and more efficient than the batts.

    • cheers, i'll get a quote for spray

  • strip the side use bats in the voids and then cover with Sisalation then re-clad

    • yeah, I'm wondering if the foilboard is worth the extra cost and effort given the rest of my house is less well insulated

  • +1

    put in batts + foilboard to maximise my insulation on these walls, or if this would be overkill given I'll have other walls with no insulation, and no plan to insulate these walls in the future?

    Never can have too much insulation! foilboard isn't that costly, so you're not really overspending bucket loads.

    Even if you have no plans today, that might change in the future :)

    • cheers, I think this is what I'll do, foilboard is a fair bit more expensive, $400 just for one wall. But I think you're right, do a good job of it now and I can upgrade the rest later
      If I can make the foilboard work I think I'll go this way (I'll also check spray insulation). I've sent an email to the supplier, hopefully they can let me know how to tie it back to the weatherboard stop.

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