Backup or One PC/Laptop?

Keen to see what’s your backup plan in case your primary laptop fails (let’s say macbook M1). I always had 2 windows laptops, but recently sold both, and now the only unit I have is a MacBook Pro M1.

Worth buying a backup system / PC / MacMini or should I stick to one laptop?

I’m an IT guy and we’re always expected to have our own system (they pay us for that) - and in case some company gives me windows laptop, I’ll prefer Mac lol.


  • +2

    You are asking this question as an IT guy?!

    I do the 3-2-1 backup strategy for important data:
    - Create 3 copies of your data (1 primary copy and 2 backups)
    - Store your copies in at least 2 types of storage media (local drive, network share/NAS, tape drive, etc.)
    - Store one of these copies offsite (in the Cloud)

    Worth buying a backup system / PC / MacMini or should I stick to one laptop?

    You should ask this question yourself. It depends if you need to use the data immediately or not. If it’s not important why bother backing it up.

  • -2

    Not data backup mate - asking about system, lets say motherboard dies. What’s the black up plan !!

    • -1

      If there’s no data involved, who cares how many devices you buy/own/have as long as you can do your work?
      What kind of question is this…

      • -2

        Lol, how will you do your work if you have data and no HARDWARE to work on?

        I’m specifically asking in case ppl maintain a backup system (Read HARDWARE)

        • +1

          Umm, buying a new laptop is super easy, barely an inconvenience.

          And if you are in IT, its even more simple, as you buy what you want/need… and claim it back through Tax as that is a work-related expense. So there's very little need to have "backup hardware". And in most situations, keeping backup laptops for a person is a negative thing as these electronics love to die alone, and they're almost always depreciating in value.

          If you ask me, get a Desktop PC. Use that for Windows10 Pro, and Linux.
          Linux is kind of clunky on laptops, and OS X isn't that powerful on Desktops.
          So for laptops, I'd stick with a Windows10 for most needs… but if there's a specific application you needed, or if your on-the-go work is "light work", then I would get a MacBook. There's also the option of sticking with an x86 MacBook for a great general laptop experience, plus the option of Boot Camp available.

          I don't bother with tablets or UMPCs (eg GPD Win Max) for work, just stick to a laptop. Also don't bother trying to do work on a Large Phone or Small Phone. All these devices are good for media consumption, but not so much for media creation. Instead of having a do-everything device that's highly compromised, just get a dedicated device for each job so less compromised. If you look at any skilled carpenter, they don't bother with flimsy multi-tools, they instead carry a toolbox with all their favourite pieces.

    • Use Time Machine to backup your Mac and when your Mac dies, just go into the nearest Apple Store to buy a new MacBook, then restore everything from the time machine backup.
      You can return the new MacBook within 14 days of purchase no question asked, but obviously don't abuse the system, or else you risk landing yourself in the blacklist.

  • buy a cheap used laptop just in case

  • +1

    I've built our entire IT ecosystem around hardware agnosticism. If any point of hardware fails then anything on-hand will work to replace it.

    I also have at least five old laptops in my shed gathering dust that I can setup for any given user or task in any situation. Our till system has two PCs for redundancy, and 4G failover on the router for if (when) the NBN goes down for maintenance. I can remotely connect to any device via Chrome Remote Desktop for troubleshooting, including my phone.

    If you're not sure if you need a spare PC, you aren't actually the IT guy

  • +1

    If i didnt have a personal laptop and a work laptop, by "backup" would be going to officeworks/jb etc and just buying something off the shelf as soon as the store opens.

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