
Has anyone else had problems using some of the dominos coupons listed here? I've been able to process the orders well enough, but when I get to the store the "managers" have demanded to see the coupons. After about 15 minutes of arguing with them, telling them they were internet coupons, put on a screen, NOT printed or sent in the mail, I walked away empty handed (I wasn't going to pay the extra $3 or whatever it was, on principle). They say that its now "store policy" that you have to show a coupon before you can use it…which is highly annoying, as the codes people put up don't really seem to have anything to print and, more importantly, nowhere on their website, when ordering online does it state that you have to take the coupons into the store in order to get the offer. The same is the case for ordering over the phone - they don't tell you that you need the coupon. Grrrr…so annoying and frustrating…has anyone else encountered this problem?


  • Did you pay online or did you pay in-store? If you tried to pay in-store, next time try paying for it online using your credit card. And if you paid online, how did they refund you your money?

    I would personally tell the store manager that "I received a promotional email from dominos" and if he doesn't honour it, I'm going to write in a complain that the store doesn't honor their online deals! Or you can always make up a story how the other store in the next suburb (hopefully he doesn't own both franchises) honoured the deal!

  • No, I paid (or rather, tried to pay) instore.

    The really stupid thing was the week before someone in the same store had let me use the code, no questions asked.

    I did tell him that…and about it being accepted last time, but he just stood his ground…I fully intend to write to their head office…really not happy about it.

    He said they'd give the pizzas (which they had made for me) away for free to the police station down the road…rather than giving them to me for a few dollars less. It was such a stupid story! And it really surprised me that, even just from a PR point of view, he didn't say 'well, in future you have to bring the coupon in, but we'll give it to you this time'.

    But I think most annoying of all is the fact that he didn't seem to understand that the code I used was from online, not in paper etc.

  • Same thing happened to me a while ago and I've stopped going to Dominos any more.

    The store I go to is Carlton in Victoria.

    I have been using the code online for the at least a year prior to earlier this year. Half the time I didn't need anything, sometimes I needed "coupons" and I think sometimes they asked for receipt. On the very first time they told me a coupon was required, they told my "just bring it next time". So I just photoshopped the vouchers and printed them off whenever I go.

    But after Dominos put a restriction that certain codes only available to certain stores, I didn't need to bring a voucher with me coz the discounted price was usual $4.95, which they were happy to sell.

    However, I ordered three pizzas online earlier this year when the price was I think $3.95 or something (Total $12.95) . Having already paid and was on my way to pick up the pizzas, I received a call from Dominos saying they can't do it for the price. I asked for refund and they said they would. And they didn't. It was a few months ago and I couldn't be bother chasing it up, either with my credit card company or Dominos.

    I thought about making fake orders just to get my revenge but I couldn't be bothered and I won't benefit from it anyway.

    The franchise nature of Dominos means every franchisee has different rules. I tried emailling Dominos directly but to no avail.

    • Maybe we need to create a black list of "Domino's to avoid". My local Domino's is quite good so far. No complain from me (except for the ever-shrinking size).

      • The trick is to get the Edge pizza. I know there's a $2 surcharge but the pizza is much heavier and you have toppings right to the edge. Try it next time on one of your pizzas, you'll know the difference.

        • Is the edge pizza really only $2 more? I thought it was like $3 or even more, more. But then when the pizza is only $4.95 total, $2 seems alot for an extra inch. hahahaha

  • The one that rejected me was the Caufield one in Vic…just so you know.

    A friend also said that the one on High St, Malvern (Vic) also gave them trouble with the codes.

    Its a real shame cuz now I won't bother going to Dominos…as I'm sure is the case with many other people. Their stuffiness is just costing them customers…

    • I agree gave up on them because of the voucher works one day not the next, and the pizzas got smaller and with less toppings

  • Abit late, but yeah I got contacted by Dominos last month. They were basically asking me about any coupons I've been receiving. I told them I haven't received any in a long time. I realized after we'd hung up that they were calling because of all the internet codes I've been using. I didn't think this was a problem?

  • btw mine was the Sydenham one in Victoria. I still purchased a couple weeks ago using the codes and it was delivered fine, so I'm not banned.. yet lol

  • I go to the Sydenham one as well, I haven't had any issues yet, but then I pay with credit card over the internet.

    I also drive over and pick up the pizzas myself, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference.

  • +1

    I understand why they dont accept the voucher. Heres why, Any particular store has the right to wave coupons if they want to (thats why it states "participating stores only"). These coupons are promotions particularly to grow customer awareness in new areas that have had a new dominos store built and need to grow a customer base. If you dont have the coupon (which it is theoreticly a contract) then we dont have to honour it. Just for the note I am a store manager in Sydney and i accept the vouchers if they come through though i am not happy but i just get them removed manualy now through my shop. Just wanted to shed some light onto why some shops do not allow them.


    • For me, personally, 'cheap' pizza is one of those take em or leave em things in life. Dominos $4.95 pizza vouchers has more than doubled the number of pizzas I order. And generally the cheaper the pizza is, the more likely I am to order a coke, garlic bread or maybe a ceasar salad. So keep up the cheap pizza, or I'll just go without :)

    • May I ask, why are you not happy if promo codes come through your store?

  • I am not at anyway representing dominos, but i believe the the costs on $4.95 are so high i dont see a purpose in having them available at this present time at my shop. If our area decides to market them for any reason i will embrace it, jus in a sence a customer building/awareness is what i believe they should stay, as what several people have already stated " dont send out coupons you cannot make money from" or "of course volume you make money" i understand this as i have a diploma in business and understand the concept of target markets etc. I would prefer to stick to the traditional $6.95 and $5.95 coupons (that way everyone is happy)and i am also a firm beliver that coupons are a great way of rewarding customers/ building customer awareness. However, in saying that aswell my experience with $4.95 is slightly frustrating to say the least. If you view the other thread (custom pizzas) your understand why. What a small % of people do is "modifiy" there pizza in such a manor that frustrates makers and stops the makeline. its not a big issue, none the less i would prefer to run a shop without this nonsence. I also do understand if the coupons are out there then use them (thats why im on here a couple of times a week to remove them)so if you use them before i stop them then so be it, i will not demand you to bring them. Hope that answers your question ?

    • Hey lone I understand where you're coming from.

      I know it's probably out of your control but surely Dominos can get rid of the bug where you can remove (cheap) ingredients can add (expensive) ingredients without extra cost. I'm sure that's half the problem.

      Also who gives out the coupon codes? I've got an impression from your post that you don't have any control over it. Surely there can be a uniformed minimum price (say $5.95) which means everyone is happy. If individual shops decide to offer cheaper deals, get them to distribute flyers without a internet code.

      I live very close to the Carlton Dominos in Victoria but they made it so hard to order on the net. Sometimes they ask for the coupon (which I don't have because it's from the net), sometime they ask for receipt. There was once they called me and said they can't do the two $5.95 pizzas that I ordered online so I asked for a refund. However my $12 never came back to me. I didn't chase it up so it's partially my fault but it was just such a small amount to make a fuss about. That was a couple of years ago and I haven't been back since.

      I think internet ordering is great and is the future. However, make it easier for us customers. Have internet codes that work for everyone. Set a minimum price that all the franchises agree. And if new shops want to have special promotion, make the customers order by phone.

    • +1

      Hi there, I understand your frustration with the $4.95 vouchers being used in conjunction with the pizzas being "modified"…. if it were possible, I'd be tempted to just call back and cancel those orders!

      But the $4.95 on its own - I appreciate that the profit margin might be minimal on these ones, but surely there is still a profit (however small)? I find it hard to believe that these $4.95 pizzas will actually mean you lose money?

      Would it not make sense then to accept these orders? Benefits would be:
      a) increased volume and revenue in your store
      b) possible increase in customer base.
      c) a marginal increase in profit (assuming that a $4.95 pizza contains a tiny profit margin)

      Having read this thread, it seems to me that there are lots of dominos managers who won't accept the vouchers simply because they want the higher revenue associated with the $5.95 or $6.95 deal. But if the $4.95 deal is still providing a small amount of profit, then surely it isn't good business sense to turn away these deals?

      If you can persuade the $4.95 customer to pay $5.95 or $6.95 instead of walking out the door…now that's another story.

      ps - for what it's worth, I have dominos once or twice a year and have never used any vouchers (didn't know that they existed until recently).

  • What has become very clear to me in this thread is that the 'managers' who have posted here are more concerned with cost-cutting than with pleasing customers. HELLO!!! Customers are the life of your business! By trying to make a couple more dollars on a pizza (by refusing to honour the $4.95 codes) you are turning good customers away!

    My local dominoes (which isnt that local) refused the code when I turned up at the store(and was extremely rude about it) and refused to give me anything for a cheaper price. This put me off, not just that store, but all Dominoes stores. Can't you see that this is ruining your reputation? There is such a thing as good will. Instead of me leaving Dominoes with a good feeling (ie I got a cheap pizza, they were really nice, I'll go there again) I leave with a nasty feeling (ie they are terrible penny pinchers who don't really care about their customers).

    While in the short term you may gain a few dollars per pizza, you lose valuable customers who spread the word to their friends and, indeed strangers (such as on this very site), who will, eventually, all turn their backs on Dominoes. A good business isn't all about squeezing every last dollar you can. There are things such as goodwill too.

  • cacbm, like i was saying, i dont represent dominos how ever in the manner in which your problem was delt with i belive it was very un professional and brought dominos into disrepute. I belive in customer satisfaction as they pay our wages so i try to avoid a argument at all costs. I also work by the codes of "the customer is always right" however i have learnt the hard way the customer is not always right. I understand what you say with particular areas needing coupons sent out with conflicting other areas. Further more to your question, no i am not responsible for the marketing i am a store manager not a franchise or area director from head office.A decision is made up between franchise in a particular area, however the coupons that we get are not from our area of market (hence sites like this). I have my goals i need to achieve, hence why i do not argue with customers that use $4.95 Its just not right business ethically. However as i have stated if we do not have a need for $4.95 at this present time at my shop, so i take initiative and remove them preferably than arguing with paying customers. As far people like "me" go, please do dont get angry or argue with me, i run a very professional and repuatable shop with high QC standards, i have my regular customers that i know and have custom to know and become acquainted to in which i always give them discount prices to regardless, i believe in customer loyalty due to myself being a regular customer at similar retail outlets and run or have customer loyalty programs. Word of mouth is a very powerful tool thats why i respect my regulars (as well as new customers). If you want to rant about business ethics and how your experience were "unplesent" because you were denied $4.95 and didnt want to pay $5.95 then thats fine, just understand that everyone has there bad experience whether it be with dominos or pizza hut or any other business, if you want to have a discussion about it further im all ears.


    • Ione

      your comments are understandable, but they really should be directed at Head Office, they are the ones setting the expectations by putting these vouchers out. Like I said before with a simple programming change they can determine if the pizza is modified, then the coupon isn't able to be used - if that is what they really wanted to do.

      There also seems to be a paranoia with some sites about the coupons off. My local store wouldn't accept them, then lo and behold there was a $4.95 coupon on the back of a shopper docket specifically nominating the 3 local stores. Which was also available on the hot dockets site.

      Now the problem with the "internet" dockets are that you cant use them at Pizza Hut/Eagle Boys to price match. For a consumer that sucks, BUT for the local domino's that should mean the coupon is exclusive to them, rather than the hot docket coupon which can be price matched. So really the preference by dominos should be for the internet coupon.

      I haven't contributed to this thread much because I wont shop at Dominos anymore because of the inconsistencies and the game of banning coupon codes that have been published. Coupon codes that I have on paper that had been delivered to my letterbox which they wouldn't honour.

      So really the issue is between the stores who want these "loopholes" closed and head office, who either wants them, doesn't really care, or is too lazy to get off their lounge chairs and see what's happening at the coal face.

      In that case when you solve it internally, come back and let us know what the storewide policy is, then if it suits, and Pizzahut pizzas me off, or Eagle Boys gives me bird droppings, I might take a chance with the dominos again.

      And it takes all my mod sense not to ban dominos from getting free advertising here - when the coupons are really almost like a lottery rather than a bargain - but I'll have a double serving of Jalepeno's and I'll cool down - for the moment (Just kidding fellas!!)

      Finally Ione maybe you can point the HO (mis)management to this site where they can see the damage they are doing to their brand by not fixing their policies….

    • Just to clear it up…I wasn't getting angry at you specifically lone! I'm sure you can understand how frustrating it is to drive 10-15 min for a pizza only to be told you're not allowed to have it for the price that was displayed on the website.

      "Unplesent" was a simple spelling error!!!

      "…because you were denied $4.95 and didnt want to pay $5.95 "
      I wasn't even given the option of paying $5.95. It was $7.95 or nothing. I chose nothing, not because I was being cheap, but because I refuse to accept a different price than what was promised to me on the ordering site.

      My previous post wasn't intended to offend anyone specifically. The point I was trying to get across is that the "managers" in alot of these stores (who I suspect are really only supervisors) have absolutely no idea about customer relations and goodwill. Their bad attitudes combined with the unsatisfactory attitude of the (many) stores in relation to acceptance of the coupons leads to customers hating Dominoes and refusing to return there again, rather than leaving with a good feeling.

    • I have my goals i need to achieve

      I'm trying to understand this whole situation from both a business and customer perspective, could you please let us know what are the main KPIs that you are measured on? It is understandable if you don't want to go into details, however high-level ones will be fine. The reason why I am asking is so that your potential customers visualise and put things into perspective.

      Further more to your question, no i am not responsible for the marketing i am a store manager not a franchise or area director from head office.A decision is made up between franchise in a >particular area, however the coupons that we get are not from our area of market (hence sites like this)

      From an ethics viewpoint, totally understandable. I'm sure any stores (food or retail) wouldn't want to operate at a loss. However, if a customer insists on receiving the pizza which they have ordered and paid for through the website, where do they stand from a legal viewpoint?

    • If you are so good, tell us what store you are manager of?

  • lone, I understand that you're not responsible for marketing. However you will have some sort of influence to get them to change it. And really, changes are in everyone's mutual interest.

    1. To get rid of the bug where no extra cost incurred when adding/subtracting ingredients.

    2. To have a minimum price set where every store manager and franchisee will agree, and no code below that price will be distributed.

    I agree with "me" that the frustrating thing is there always IS a potential that a Dominos shop won't accept your code so you always need a plan B when ordering Dominos with a code over the net. That's not how it should be. It should be easy and pain free. I'm only making suggestion because I want to see a truly convenient way of ordering pizza. I remember I was so excited when I can order Dominos over the internet when it first came out. But it's time to give it a revamp after a few years with the same bug/system/confusion.

    And lastly, I had a similar with "me". I ordered some pizzas over the net once and was told they can't do it at the price. They tried to sell it to me at $7.95 or $6.95, which they considered to be a discount because the normal price is $8.95. I ended up going home to grab normal coupon and come back to get my pizza at a cheaper price (can't remember what I ended paying though).

  • +2

    I have ordered online for a while now. I used to use the Godfather trick and then I have just been getting the regular Meatlovers for a while now. Last night I wanted a change, so I did the Godfather trick and got my partner to go in and pick it up. Boy oh boy, did she get a hammering! After payment, firstly, the big 16-year old boy told her that it was scammers like us that make them go out of business and that there was so little that they made on the pizzas - so my partner asked to see the manager, which he sarcasticly responded that he would go and get. The manager then came out and physically tried taking the pizza off my girlfriend (ie. he had a hold of one end of the box, while she had her hands on the other)and she responded with 'I've paid for it and it is mine thank you' and added 'I don't even eat your pizzas anyway - it is for my partner' and the manager had a grumble that there is the 'design your own' pizzas as well at removing a topping off the meatlovers and then just adding chicken.
    $9.45 for a pizza, garlic bread and coke. Might just save the hassle and go back to my Meatlovers next time.

    • +1

      Dude how can you even think about going back there after that treatment?

      LONE, if you're reading this, congratulations, Dominos has just lost another long term customer (me!). I'm tired of hearing about Dominos treating customers like shit. We usually order 2 pizzas a week plus sides, but next time that money is going to Pizza Hut. That's at least $800 a year Dominos can kiss goodbye (considering we spend at least $15 a week on Pizza ($800 suddenly sounds like a lot doesn't it, and all from a few $4.95 pizzas!).

      I know this isn't the treatment you yourself would give to customers, but I hope you understand how customers are being treated here and it is really not on, it's disgusting.

      Dominos is making its customers feel like criminals when the only problem is your ordering system. FIX the bugs that allow people to add free chicken. If people are able to get something free then they're going to bloody take it for free! Get upper management to make a decision about these coupons, its either $4.95 for all or $4.95 for none.

      Until something is done about Dominos problems then how dare staff treat people like this. Pass this message on to someone who can fix this nonsense and spread the word that yelling at customers isn't an acceptable business practice.


      edit: Sorry for the rant. Don't to single you out lone, but you're the most obvious target since you work for Dominos.

      • By the way, its not exactly free chicken. I was told by a staff member that a chicken they put on a normally ordered chicken pizza (ie with the surcharge) is more than what they use on a custom pizza with chicken. For the custom one they use a small cup and only take that amount rather than sprinkling the chicken liberally on the pizza. And they do this deliberately so you can't just get 'free chicken'.

    • aldog, could you tell us what store it was? I think it will be in everyone's interest to know that.

      • Not a drama - it's Orange, NSW. Sure, it's our only Domino's store here, but still, it's the point that you shouldn't have to go through that!!!

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