Cheapest Windows 7 at the moment?

I'm buying a Macbook in the net few days and I want to install Windows on it. Which retailer has the cheapest Windows 7 OS at the moment?


  • $89.00

    Microsoft WIN 7 Home Premium(OEM) Windows 7 Home Premium - OEM Version
    Online Computer (NSW) | | updated: 28-01-2012


    • Windows 7 Home Premium - OEM Version , have to be purchased with prebuild System

  • Can you ask Apple to pre-install it? That'd probably be the cheapest option, if available.

    Edited: pre-install, not reinstall.

    • +1

      What the ****?
      It's like asking Microsoft to install OSX for you.
      How would Apple give you Windows 7 for cheap by pre-installing it for you (shouldn't have a license on it)?
      To the O.P. you can find a student… like me :) you can use to get windows 7 pro for $119
      Alternatively, you can get someone in uni who has access to MSDNAA to get one or two copies of free windows 7

  • I think the student edition may be cheaper

  • +1

    To the O.P. I have a Windows 7 Pro key (free), shoot me an email if you're interested.

  • For the record, cwongtech's method of sharing keys from MSDNAA or any other license he's likely to have spare is against the license agreement.

    There's almost zero chance of getting caught, it'll likely be a slap on the wrist even if you are, but still. It's only marginally more legit than flat out pirating it and the consequences would be virtually the same (ie wrist slap).

    • +1

      I'm not sharing a MSDNAA key :), just a volume license key that works on retail installers (I haven't seen them being blacklisted, only seen MSDNAA keys being blacklisted when people report them as being sold).
      To the O.P.
      If you're running a business, just buy Windows 7 at its full price, business = money, and that means Microsoft WILL go after you if you are found to use a non-legit windows.
      Mine is using a retail installer + just the volume license key.
      The thing I have against piracy is the risk of malware and crap the "activators" have in them, by using an official installer + random key from somewhere (which is essentially a bunch of letters), there's no risk in malware or crap in the "activators".

      • I have no doubt it'll work, but I'm confident it'll fall outside the license agreement on that volume license. Do you disagree?

        • you can't share VLKs

          i have a few VLKs for places i consulted for… not a good idea to give them out or even use them for myself

        • +1

          Not one bit :)
          Business use: Just freaking spend the money or you'll get sued
          Home use: Microsoft won't sue you, you don't have enough money anyway for them to be interested (why else would you try get a cheap version of windows 7)

          Well I found one that was on the net that has 10k+ activations left on it, fun fun :)
          Usually they'd only refill to 400 and get drained within days…

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