What Are Your Thoughts on Erasable/Rewritable Paper/Notebooks?

Hey OzBargain, wondering what's your opinion on the erasable paper/notebooks?

Do you prefer them because of environmental benefits or you hate the pain of erasing ink from paper, spending extra $$ of the erasable ink pens which cost way more than the standard ball point pens, (essentially make up for the savings you made using only 1 notebook for a period of time).

There is no doubt that in the long run both ways cost exactly the same in my opinion, but one is more gear towards environmental care, while other one gear towards ease of throw old and get a fresh one.


  • -2

    What Are Your Thoughts on Erasable/Rewritable Paper/Notebooks

    CDs are better

    • If only one cant afford a usb flash drive?

  • +1

    take it one step further and get a reMarkable.

    • -1

      Take it one step further and just use a device, (almost) infinite amount of pages.

    • I'd love one but can't justify $600 or whatever it costs for a writeable kindle

  • spending extra $$ of the erasable ink pens which cost way more
    the long run both ways cost exactly the same

    Please provide your detailed costings on these conclusions.

    • So if going the route of Rewritable notebooks

      One need to spend like ~$20 Extra on the initial notebook, compared to let's say a cheap $1 notebook from OW. Plus on top of that with erasable notebooks, ONE MUST USE ERASABLE INK (aka thermal erasable ink- that gets erased with heat or wipes out when applying wet cloth) these erasable ink cost quite a more than the regular ink one can think like about 3 times the amount. (Considering price of ink refills, for like 0.5mm pens). You save on buying notebooks, e.g. may be lets say each page can be used upto 500 times, that's 500 notebooks less used, (YMMW). In the long run one ends up paying a lot of price on the special erasable ink refills.

      But on the other hand, with the Normal Notebooks,

      You spend quite a lot on the number of notebooks you use (you throw away old notebooks, and get new one each time). The ink is very cheap here as well e.g. like the ball point inks. In the long run one ends up paying quite a lot of price on the notebooks (aka paper)

  • Personally don't even use pen and paper that much anymore, using a device and Google Docs is so much more convenient.

  • +1

    Paper doesn't crash or run out of battery :)

    • Plus so much easier and quicker to write in uni during lectures, (aka when lecturars do not stop talking, and students have too make class notes). I personally prefer online OneNote but i am way slow typer and digital writer with stylus.

      So mainly in those scenarios, PAPER ALWAYS WINS

  • whiteboard?
    use pencil?

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