New Laptop for Friend's Kid

Hey all!

So, one of my friends kid is just getting to the age where said friend wants to get her a laptop for schoolwork, as well as some artistic related stuff. While hardware has never been my forte at all, I'm the only person who's remotely IT in our friend group, and so I'm getting asked the real questions :P!

So, the kid is about 9ish, so school work isn't going to be absolutely massive, but one thing the friend wants is for the laptop to be able to run Photoshop, as the kid is pretty artistic and into that sort of stuff. Unfortunately since it's also going to be going to and from school, we'd not want a desktop, as she'd need to take it to and from school as needed.

Secondly, do you have any recommendations on accessories that would go with it? I can barely draw a stick figure if I absolutely had to, so I've never really noticed the latest and greatest drawing things, but if you have anything you'd recommend, I can definitely put it to my friend!

As for budget, I'm not 100% sure yet - I'm going to talk to friend later tonight to get a better idea, but so far friend has said she saw "an Alienware for $700", but didn't say anything else about it, which is fun :P. Let's go with a budget of $900 to be safe for now, but if there's any cheaper ones that are recommended, that'll be good!

Thanks in advanced!


  • +2

    Can the 9 year old be trusted carrying a laptop to and from school? Not dropping it, leaving it somewhere, having it stolen? 9 seems a bit young for their own laptop. Can't they use photoshop on their parents' desktop at home? Why would they need to use photoshop at school? I thought kids got given work on tablets at primary school.

    Seems like a great way to lose $900 really quickly

    • shrug it's her kid and that's what they want. Parents don't have a desktop themselves, and not sure about a tablet or whatever being given to them - I finished school in 2007 and we definitely weren't given anything then :-P

      Also I think the photo shop isn't necessarily for school, but I'm not sure (again, been a long time out of school for me :-P)

      • +3

        They should investigate if kids are even allowed to bring things like that into school. Many schools don't allow mobile phones, portable game consoles etc due to theft or damage as they don't want to have to mediate anything or be held responsible

  • +2

    At 9yes old I would get a second hand one. Assume it will only last 1 or 2 years due to it being dropped or water damage or cable abuse.

    • That's a fair point - do you have any recommendations for a second hand one I could get?

      • +1

        ThinkPad T series.
        Can also be used as a personal defense weapon if needed.

  • For accessories, if they're serious (how serious can you be at 9?) about using it for drawing, you'd want a drawing tablet.

    Wacom if you've got they money (but with you're budget, you don't).…

    • Would you possibly recommend a cheap laptop to connect something like this tablet to, and then something like tablet? I guess it's kinda hard to know what she wants without more info - like if they're absolutely set on photoshop for editing and stuff, or if they just want a cheap laptop and a drawing tablet to go with it? May have to talk to friend more about it I think

      • +1

        If she wants to do art/ drawing (not photo/video editing etc) I'd definitely go for a tablet and something like ArtRage.

        Here's a much cheaper tablet on Amazon:…

      • -2

        Have you considered a iPad+Apple Pencil?
        You can get the 128gb Wifi-only 8th Gen iPad, Apple Pencil, Apple care+ for 2 years accidental damage coverage and a cheap keyboard folio for that $900 budget. Would offer better user experience than doing photoshop on a cheap laptop and easier to repurpose when the kid grows out of/loses interest in it.

      • Microsoft Surface has a touch screen — you can use it like a drawing tablet, and at $950 for a refurbished with warranty, it's a steal!…

        You can run almost any Windows software on a laptop like this.

        That said, if you didn't require Photoshop, I'd say go with a Chromebook, since they are vastly more reliable for student use, less risk of viruses, easier for IT support, and better value than most Windows/OSX laptops.

  • +7

    9yo making use of proper use of Photoshop. I'd like to see that.

    Better programs / apps for a 9yo to use.

    • +1

      should take a page from your username, and just give the kid MS Paint

    • +2

      The Adobe cost premium compared to or Krita or GIMP etc….

    • Yeah, I struggle with it myself (well, free-er versions of it anyway), and that's after years and years of plodding through. What would you recommend for semi-professional programs? I use myself - would you say there's anything else that'd work nicely? I've heard of photopea recently - have you had a chance to use it?

      • My daughter got into art using ArtRage,:
        Cheaper than Photoshop but just for "art" not all the rest that Photoshop has.

        • Does your daughter use it on a tablet, and if so, does she also do school work on it?

      • Gimp is pretty much the "free photoshop" although it does have an off-putting name that parents of a 9yo might not appreciate. I've been getting started with Krita which is free and specifically for drawing. Seems to be good but maybe too complicated for 9yo. Concepts is a nice app and very easy to use might be a good starting point.

  • +4

    For an artistic 9 years old get a tablet with a stylus instead.

  • +2

    I would recommend checking out a Microsoft Surface. That’s what my 10 ur old daughter has and loves it. You have a touch screen tablet and keyboard. You can get a stylus for drawing.
    Her school has all of the Adobe suite of apps free for the kids to install.
    As for the quality,, we’ve had it a couple of years now and no issues. I did buy a solid case for it though so it can take some drops.

    • Does your daughter use it for school work? That could be a viable option if so?

      • That would be fine schoolwork and would be a decent option for doing art work.They're not cheap though.

        • Yeah; the pen alone is $130~

    • And your 10 year old daughter can take care of it fine? Damn, I probably wouldn't trust a 10 year old around a laptop that's <900 bucks. Good job to your daughter if it's still working 100% fine.

  • As others have said, an expensive laptop wouldn't be the best option. Laptops can be so easily damaged.
    As for Photoshop, maybe get an iPad that can run Photoshop or an equivalent app? It'll be a lot cheaper and safer (and easier) than getting a laptop.

    • Unfortunately it's looking more and more like friend wants a laptop for the kid. That way they can take it to school as needed, and work around the house. May have to find something that does the trick

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