Optus $109 Bundle Package

Does anyone know what the difference is between the $109 package that is being offered on tv to the one called fusion for broadband, homeline, calls, tv etc?

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  • What is your question?

    I'm on the $109 fusion

    • unlimited local and national calls to mobile and landlines
    • 500GB internet (no offpeak or onpeak)
    • Optus METV box (record live tv - 30 selected free movies per month) (new customers)

    So that's the $109 - but what are you comparing it too?

  • I just wasnt sure if the one advertise on tv was different to the one online. Also does it come with a email account?

    • Also does it come with a email account?

      Yes, you get 5 email addresses @optusnet.com.au

      Also get some very fast free webspace on each of those emails as well, which is handy. I use the webspace to host my ebay selling photos, as FTP uploading is infinitely easier that stuffing about with sites like Photobucket.

  • I have the Fusion $109 on Cable since 1st of December 2011.

    The MeTV box is a $9.95 rebate on your Fusion account. So they charge you $9.98 for MeTV then credit it back again. Note that whilst this makes it "effectively free", you need to pay $35 upfront to get the box delivered. If you do get MeTV, grab the Powerline Network adapters for $19.95 then resell them on eBay for about $50-60 - that will fund the MeTV box "installation" (that you self-install anyway)

    The powerline adapter pack is Netgear models XAV1004 plus XAV2501 - they are good units and very cheap from Optus.

    When you sign up for the Fusion, you can also choose to add what is called Foxtel Startup Package, which is a $45 per month credit on your FUSION account for the Foxtel. This effectively means Foxtel basic is free for the first year of a 2-year contract.

    What we did was chose the Fusion + Speedback 100mbit + Foxtel + Sports add-on. That costs us about $30 per month less than the old 120GB cable + phone + foxtel plan we were on. Last month we used $85 worth of calls, so the 500GB of internet at mega-fast speed effectively cost us $44.

    No idea what the offer on TV is - there is a shonky "retirees plan" that they offer on the daytime TV chat shows which has free line rental but a pathetically small amount of included calls and broadband. Certainly not enough internets for gramps to be surfin' the pr0n zites very rigorously.

  • Thanks for your advice and time in answering my question.

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