Personal Name When Receiving Money through PayID or Bank Transfer to Commonwealth Account

I would like to receive some money from somebody here in Australia (who I trust, and I think also banks with Commonwealth) but I've always gone by a nickname (not my legal name) and I would prefer not to use it now or whenever else I need to receive money from somebody.

So when I went to set up a PayID I see that I have to choose from a number of options (that all include my legal surname) so I looked for another way.

If I give somebody my Commonwealth BSB and account number, will it matter what name they type in for the account name? In other words, will the payment be rejected if they enter my nickname?

Thank you.


  • +3

    Yeah, name is not checked when using BSB and account number.

    • This. BSB & A/C number are good for being able to customise the name, but can allow scams like this to occur.

  • +5

    So it it your first name or surname you are embarrassed about? I'm confused

  • Change your name by deed poll.

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