Aeropress and Timemore manual grinder

I have been using preground supermarket coffee with my Aeropress for a while and have been fine with it. I recently bought a Timemore C2 Chestnut in one of the deals posted here and since my last preground coffee was Lavazza Oro, I tried the Lavazza Oro beans.

I dialled the grinder to 16, measured 15g of beans, and ground it. I noticed that 15g of beans pretty much fills the chamber, and it's about double the amount of preground coffee I was using. I initially increased the amount of water I used to allow for the extra coffee, but found it was thin. I was expecting richer flavours with freshly ground, especially if it's double the amount I had been using. I dialled the grind back a bit too, to 14, and got better flavour out of it, but I am a bit disappointed so far.

I will keep experimenting, but am I expecting too much here? Or are there adjustments/corrections I should make that would improve things?


  • What is the roast date of the Lavazza Oro beans (or if they lack that, an expiry date)? Most supermarket beans are not the best.

    Try some fresher beans from a roaster - roasted less than 10 days ago. If you must go to the supermarket, go to Aldi and look for their newest bag. There will be a 6 digit code next to the expiry date - reverse it, that is the roast date (generally 15 months prior to the expiry date). At Aldi you should be able to find something 2-4 weeks old.

    Perhaps try:…

    or one of the many coffee deals featured here at ozbargain.

    Either way, experimentation will be required. Have you watched… ?

  • The imported beans are all stale, but no worse than the pre-ground, so I’d suggest grinding much finer as a start. It should be similar to what you were used to in the preground beans, quite fine.
    Then absolutely try some local fresh roast beans..

    • FWIW, I use an aeropress scoop of whole beans in my grinder to make a single long black, ground quite finely.

  • +1

    Its a little hard to follow your process, but reading between the lines, I think you are probably grinding too coarse. Generally the rule is to just keep grinding finer and finer until it gets really bitter, then come back a click or two. Also how much water are you using for the 15g of coffee?? When I was doing Aeropress, I was doing 15g > 250g water.

    This is a really good guide to get the best out of your Aeropress -

  • Thank you. As mskeggs said, I was trying to compare the same coffee preground vs freshly ground. I was surprised that twice the amount of freshly ground didn't office the same taste as 7g of preground.

    I have now adjusted the ground finer and it's getting better.

    My process with preground is

    Inverted process
    Insert plunger up to mark 4
    1 scoop of coffee, which I've since weighed to be 7g
    Fill with water to mark 2
    Heat some milk in cup
    Plunge coffee
    Not sure how much milk coffee that makes, about 1/3 to 1/2 a mug

    With freshly ground, one been grinding double the amount of coffee, and so adding more water too.

    I'll try measuring better, and watch the links provided above.

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