GPU/Chip Shortage Situation at End of 2021: What Will It Look Like?

Hey guys, so I'm just curious, given how prices are beginning to stabilize now, what do you think the situation (global chip shortages and GPU shortages) will look like in late 2021, specifically around November/December?


  • +2

    Crystal ball says 'maybe'.

  • As an OzBargain expert on chip and GPU shortages IMO it will depend on what the Covid situation will be in late 2021, specifically around december/november.

  • If GPUs are still profitable to mine with - prices won't drop.

    Doesn't matter if there's a glut of excess hardware, if an end user can make money then commercial buyers will already have taken the lion's share and thus reducing supply. LHR cards might make a little difference but they're still being overcharged to consumers.

  • +4

    Welcome to OzCrystalBall..

    CrystalBall says no different to now.


  • Yes

  • I don't know about GPUs but other chips are harder to secure now than 6 months ago and it only seems to be getting worse with lead times often 40 weeks and even exceeding a year in some cases.

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