Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti $4000 at MSY

What is your opinion on local retailers scalping gpu's? Do you vouch for US stores selling gpu's at msrp (or close to)?

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MSY Technology
MSY Technology


  • +2

    MSY nuff said, the end.

    • Money Say Yes

  • +2

    I hope someone creates a list of every store doing it with proof…

    … because I won't be buying from them ever again. This is just as bad as selling stolen goods imho.

    • +3

      Lol… May as well just list every computer store in Aus.

    • +5

      I won't be buying from them ever again.

      Yes you would if they have something in stock at a good price.

      This is just as bad as selling stolen goods


      • -1

        There is making a profit, and then there's just greed. This is just greedy.

        • +1

          How much profit will they make if no one buys it at a silly price?

    • FYI this could be a function of distributor offering it to them for $3,800 and they add their 5% operating margin on top to sell so isn't entirely their fault. Just keep that in mind when you're outraged and boycotting stores.

  • +5

    It's a market right? In a market sellers sell products for whatever price buyers are willing to pay for them. Prices are not regulated in this market. Not saying anything here about what's right or fair or whatever.

    • +2

      This. If idiots don't pay the price, they will have to reduce it if they went to sell the item. Basic economics. Sadly, at the moment, some goose will pay $4k for this so they can post about it on Facebook

      • Except bots and scalpers are artificially increasing the price.

        • +3

          Then don't buy it. Holy crap how is this so difficult.

          Just remember this little pirate jingle - If the price be too high, ye shouldn't click buy.

    • +1

      it is a market yes, they can 100% sell things at whatever price they can and I can 100% choose NOT to buy from them for doing that.

  • +4

    Let them scalp as long as they want. I’m not buying even if it means have to wait a year or 2 for prices to come down

  • All I know is that they are dodgy with warranty? I personally had no issue with them back in the day even when I bought the wrong thing.

  • +2

    I remember back in the day, MSY used to be the place to go for discount PC parts. That was a long time ago.

    • +2

      back when their catalogue was a dodgy scan into pdf

  • +1
  • -3

    Boohoo basic supply and demand. Cry me a river.

    I hate that the price of office chairs has sky rocketed because I really badly need to replace mine.
    Am I angry? Yes
    Do I continuously cry about it? No
    Am I just going to wait till prices drop again? Yes

    • +1


    • +1

      Or just buy it at MSRP from the other retailers that have it and stock right now and aren't gouging.

  • Maybe it comes with a Monster cable included?

    • diamond plated with pikachu holograms.. you know what actually I can see that selling for a high price with pokemon holo's on it lol haha

  • 🎻

  • +1

    Wait till you see what the scalpers selling PS5s go for….

  • and it's not even the best 3080ti going around, so the better ones will cost even more

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