When Do You Plan on Buying Your First Electric Car?

Around what year or period do you plan on buying your first electric car (either new or used)?

Obviously based on your own preference, prediction of prices, suitability for your usage, and the timeline by which you actually turnover your car.

Personally will be buying around 2037.

Interesting in hearing other people's plans!

Poll Options

  • 121
    2022 - 2024
  • 259
    2025 - 2027
  • 97
    2028 - 2030
  • 59
    2031 - 2033
  • 8
    2034 - 2036
  • 5
    2037 - 2039
  • 3
    2040 - 2042
  • 3
    2043 - 2045
  • 5
    2046 - 2048
  • 112
    2049 +


  • +143

    It's not a matter of time it's a matter of price. I'd buy a Tesla today if it were $30k.

        • +19

          Lol driving is a hobby and he clocks 600km a day. Thats insane imagine your hobby was to drive from Sydney to Canberra and back EVERY DAY

          • +22

            @TheBilly: Tesla drivers have many weird hobbies.

            • +2

              @netjock: Can't imagine what hobbies a Toyota driver would have…

              • +15

                @smartazz104: Being boring is their hobby.

                Tesla is like buying crypto. Very fast very exciting. Could get rich or poor quickly. If you get rich you have a conversation topic at dinner parties.

                Toyota is like buying ETF of the world index. Very boring, won't get rich but then over the long term guaranteed you won't get caught out too badly. Not very interesting at dinner parties.

                • +4

                  @netjock: I would say Toyota is more like putting money in a traditional bank term deposit. Your money will be safe and will give you small gain but nothing exciting

                  • -3

                    @lunartemis: Up until the traditional bank collapses and then you'll get nothing.

                    So all those years saving/driving_a_Toyota just for nothing.

                    You only live once.

        • +6

          1 million km is not 20 years.

        • +1

          Over the course of 1 million km (621,000 miles), it had 2 battery packs and 3 drive unit replacements.

          So two new fuel tanks and 3 new engines 🙂

      • +3

        Would you still want to drive it though? A lot of Toyotos don't age well, I mean look how ugly the 2014 Rav4 is

        • +32

          That logic is weird. If you're INSIDE the car, why do you care what it looks like to other people?

          And therein lies a related real estate pro-tip: If you're going to buy a property in a suburb full of apartment buildings, don't buy into the nicest-looking tower. Go for the ugliest one so you can look out over nice buildings. The eyesore you live in isn't actually your aesthetic issue to live with.

          • +5


            And therein lies a related real estate pro-tip


            Some people buy cars to convey an image. I used to tell people, some people would rather buy a BMW with wind down windows than a Toyota with electric windows.

            • @netjock: It's easy to put a price on vanity.

          • @[Deactivated]: With all the tech INSIDE vehicles these days, will it all still be working in 10 years time?

            • +4

              @whitelie: Depends if Elon still uses emmc chips or not, they haven’t lasted 5 years.

              • @[Deactivated]: He doesn't, so today?

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: But he did, and does, did you read the report/recall?

                  • +2

                    @[Deactivated]: No I actually understand the issue, unlike you. EMMC chips on old model S are dying because they exceeded their read/write cycles. Tesla replaces them for free. They haven't made a car with this EMMC chip since about 2018. Current cars are not affected. In fact current cars have an AMD SOC which is likely more powerful than your PC.

                    • @[Deactivated]: I doubt they are that powerful - you sure about this?

                      • +2
                        • +1


                          Yes. Why would I say it otherwise?

                          Well you do have a history of exaggeration.

                          • -1

                            @Euphemistic: I have a history of facts.

                            • @[Deactivated]: Yes. Exaggerated facts.

                              • @Euphemistic: Facts are facts.

                                • @[Deactivated]: Facts that become dubious or lean heavily toward fake news when you shower them with exaggerated language.

                                  Your latest: “notoriously unreliable (despite being a Toyota) D4D engine” which was promptly countered from 2 mechanics as being an exaggeration. Yes, it might have some issues, but here are probably millions of them running without any problem.

                                  • @Euphemistic: The D4-D is widely regarded as Toyota's least reliable engine. But this is a strawman. It has nothing to do with this thread. You're just internet stalking me.

                                    • @[Deactivated]: True, nothing to do with this thread, but I often see your posts and they have very similar tone ie Anything that isn’t your favourite is woeful. There isn’t much middle ground it’s either terrible or wonderful.

                                      Personally I don’t care what you think, but I’ll call out your exaggeration so others don’t fall into the same trap and can try to see a more moderate point of view.

                                      • @Euphemistic: Would you like me to add you to my find your friends so you can stalk me more easily? Because you're sounding more than a little creepy.

                                        Right now the basis of you passive aggressive post is challenging an irrefutable fact.

                                        • @[Deactivated]: It’s not stalking. I enjoy reading this auto forum, and others. I probably read most of the comments here. I just reply to way to many and get notifications because of that.

                                          I might have a problem, but I nearly always call out exaggerated posts. You also post plenty here, and so must read a fair few comments.

                                          Maybe we both have a problem.

                    • @[Deactivated]: maybe as powerful as a rasberry pi, you sound like a Tesla apologist.

                      • @[Deactivated]: No. 10 Tflops. PS5 power. 8 core Zen 3.

            • +4

              @whitelie: They've been saying that for decades now. I remember my grandfather going on about it in the 90's when electric windows and fuel injection were relatively new. Now plenty of cars that are 20+ years old still have all these gizmos and more functioning perfectly.

            • +3

              @whitelie: Tech, yes that may date, but given there's only 17-20 moving parts in a Tesla you can be sure that the likelyhood of it being mechanically totalled due to transmission or engine issues is much lower. Plus you don't need 6 monthly oil changes etc, much better peace of mind if you're buying one secondhand as there' a lot fewer things that can go wrong.

              • +1

                @Drakesy: What's the cost of replacing the battery every say 10 years?

                • +1

                  @whitelie: Around $16,000
                  But given they last around 200,000 miles (320,000km's) you'd think that 80% of cars will never reach this figure (300km/week for 20 years) or 600km/week for 10 years. By which time you've saved that number multiple times in fuel costs and mechanical bills.

                  I'd assume in 20 years time though battery prices will be dramatically reduced and that third party companies would be creating their own versions.

              • -1

                @Drakesy: 20 moving parts, might need a recount.

                  • @Drakesy: Oh, you mean for 1 drive unit.

                    Still plenty of parts, moving or not that will be a headache on the next generation of EVs.

                    Reliability and repair-ability is in the hands of the manufacturers, not really a inherent guaranteed aspect of the EV.

                    The ever tightening margins and shareholder expectations will ensure forthcoming cars have just as many problems as the previous ones.

                    • +1

                      @Croshema: I think its a bit far fetched to write it off by saying that.

                      If anything its a point of difference that any electric car company would have over any other. People pay for reliability and electric cars are about as reliable as they come.
                      I think the only things that need servicing are brakes, bearings and tyres.

          • @[Deactivated]: Doesn’t that assume the inside looks nicer than the outside? I’ve seen buildings that look bad from the outside and badly need renovating on the inside.

          • -1


            That logic is weird. If you're INSIDE the car, why do you care what it looks like to other people?

            If you're a man, would you like to be caught driving a girly car? Or if you're a woman, would you like to be caught driving a man's car? Or if you're an old person but driving a car that's meant for teenagers or teenagers driving cars that are meant for old guys.

            • +1

              @Zachary: Stop with the stereotypes. All types drive all types.

              Everyone has an opinion on what looks good and what doesn’t. No one can tell you different. Eg it have to be an incredible bargain for me to own a Pajero sport they really gave its backside a hiding with the ugly stick and the front isn’t much better IMO.

              • -1

                @Euphemistic: So it's perfectly fine as a man, to be feminine and wear feminine clothing then and not be laughed at or teased; or a woman being masculine and wearing masculine clothing or a child trying to be an old person and wearing old man clothing (which I guess kinda looks cute) but as soon as an old man or an old woman does the reverse, trying to be a young kid and wearing kid clothing and behaving like a kid, it's disgusting?

                It's perfectly fine to marry another man as a man or a woman to another woman as a woman? Or a child marrying an adult and vice versa and not be laughed at or criticized?

                Well let me tell you, the world still revolves around stereotypes, don't like it? Too bad, wanna diverge? Well have fun being poked at…….. I'll give you a personal example: my dad once bought me a girly looking mazda 3 hatchback. I refused to drive it as I was a boy and not a girl. And when I did drive it because I had no other choice, I had a lot of stares and people teasing me…. Mainly from other boy/man drivers…it felt uncomfortable to the point I was embarrassed and stopped driving that girly looking car for good…never again!

                I once saw a suped up WRX STI, body kit and all to look like an actual race car, but the driver was some wrinkly old white haired 90 year old guy and not some hotshot teen that I was expecting….. I saw a girl driving a R34, but thought those cars were mainly boys cars and a boy driving a 350Z which kinda looked girly to me. A lot of older guys seem to be driving RX8s which look like girly cars…. The RX7 isn't much better, but at least it looks at little less so….and more so if you start modding its body kit to look more manly…

                Until the world changes on this, I rest my case.

                • @Zachary:

                  So it's perfectly fine… snip

                  Yes. I don’t have to like it. You don’t have to like it. It’s perfectly fine (except for maybe the child marrying thing, that’s not ok) and no one has the right to denigrate that, not that it stops a lot of jerks.

                  As for you having a problem driving a Mazda 3, that’s on you. Who cares what others think. If your friends take the piss it’s probably because you indicated to them you didn’t like a free car.

                  The world IS changing on this. You are late to the table.

                  You’ve got to remember: The people that mind don’t matter and the people that matter don’t mind.

                  • -2


                    Who cares what others think. If your friends take the piss it’s probably because you indicated to them you didn’t like a free car.

                    Well I care because I also think it's a girly looking car, and they also think too, which is why they're laughing and making jokes at me….

                    If the free car was like any of starter or first tier cars that are unlocked at the beginning of the game, from Need For Speed, it would have been fine, but nooo….it had to be a girl's car…. Could have gotten a nice 2000 Honda Civic Si from Underground, the Lexus IS 300 from Most Wanted, the Nissan 240SX (S13) from Underground 2, the Toyota Corolla GT-S (AE86) from Underground 2, the 1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS-396 (Super Sport) from Carbon, or the 1970 Plymouth HEMI 'Cuda from Undercover, I'd have gladly accepted… Some of these may look like showy cars for your first car, but at least it makes me feel good about myself.

                    You’ve got to remember: The people that mind don’t matter and the people that matter don’t mind.

                    Easy for you to say… Let me ask you, what was your childhood like?

                    • @Zachary: If you are having troubles with it, you shouldn’t be commenting like you are and perpetuating the problem. It shouldn’t matter what you drive, it doesn’t matter to the vast majority of people.

                      You obviously have some troubles in this area and maybe should get some help about it.

                      • @Euphemistic:

                        You obviously have some troubles in this area and maybe should get some help about it.

                        Where find help?

        • +2

          I don't like the look of the Model 3 now, let alone in 10 years time

        • 2014? The current one is worse!

      • hybrid

        Equals fuel every now and then.

        Equals service like with any other car.

        Doesn't sound to electrifying to me …

    • +3

      The model 2 will suit your budget when released.

    • Also matter of product. I would be quite tempted by a Rivian and maybe one of the upcoming Merc EQs. But nothing else on the market is interesting so far.

    • +2

      Yeah, I'd buy a Ferrari if it was $35k and they threw in capped priced servicing.

      • But look at it! Lmao. Even if it got 1000km per charge I'd still hate being seen in it.

        • bro it even comes with custom paint jobs, this guy had a pokemon theme going and the reporter was like wtf, his kid wanted it #yoloswag

  • -8


    Hydrogen is the Future.

    • +22

      It's been the future for over 20 years.

      Not suited for the road imo, better used for industrial equipment.

    • +1

      Hydrogen isn't as safe.

      • Really? How many hydrogen car accidents have resulted in fatalities? They've been on the road for almost 20 years.

        • +1

          Of course the data size is small.

          • +2

            @Pikaloo: But the bullshit is large. The pressure vessel the hydrogen is in is bulletproof. You're much more likely do die from trauma in an accident than an explosion in a Hydrogen car, which is what you are implying. They aren't any more dangerous than EVs or petrol cars.

            • @[Deactivated]: But if we keep heading down the EV route we'll end up with solid state batteries which means it's basically as safe as anything can be. It can be shot and nothing will happen.

              • @Pikaloo: Maybe, but right now they are a pipe dream.

                • @[Deactivated]: We're getting there. And going the EV route now means all the infrastructure and supply chain already exists as well to cater for these new batteries.

                  Moreover there's a lot more innovation in the EV battery space. Aluminium batteries, sulfur, metal ions, etc. And they all use the same charging infrastructure nothing new needs to be created.

    • +1

      Hydrogen is too energy intensive to produce to be the main form of power.

      It’ll play a part, but unlikely to be for most vehicles.

      • a hydrogen hybrid for long distances might be interesting. assuming fast charging doesn't improve dramatically.

        • I think that will be the likely usage. Long haul trucking or similar. But then, they’ll need to create hydrogen or ship it to the middle of nowhere for refueling.

        • You ever done a long range trip in a long range EV? Because charging times have been a complete non issue for me. Long trips take the same amount of time as an ICE car for me. (OK that's not completely true, I drove from Queensland to Victoria in 1 hit 2 summers ago, only stopping for petrol 2 or 3 times and food once or twice, the trip would have been longer in an EV, but I drove way faster than I normally would).

    • +4

      Nah man steam is the future.

      • Steam? I hear horses have this self riding feature that will take your drunk ass home after a long night out. The future is yesterday!

    • +5

      Hydrogen is good for some things,
      Putting in cars and driving them around is not one of them.

      It's like creating a solution to something that electric cars have solved.

      Hydrogen is another way for lobbysists/gas companies to control the market by ensuring you use their product.

      Electricity is free from the sun, no one can technically profit if you have PV.

      • +3

        Electricity is free from the sun, no one can technically profit if you have PV.

        Micro generation is changing the game for the power grid. It will be interesting to see how sparks are traded when there are millions of PV, wind, and other generators and millions of batteries storing and using the power levelling he loads.

        Unfortunately right now, the grid benefits from PV excess. Buys from homeowners at 6-12c and sells for 40+ c/kWh. I’d rather be able to put that excess into an EV and use it when I want.

        • Yeah, it's a bit rough.
          I guess the generation companies know the writing's on the wall and that until batteries become mainstream they want to milk every last dollar from those undermining their investment into infrastructure.

          I guess kind like the NBN where those on faster ADSL2+ plans were getting their fees jacked up slowly over time.

      • +3

        It's all about energy density. That's why ICEs have been around so long, and will be around for a while yet: petrol has a decent energy density (supposedly ~5 times the specific energy (MJ/kg, not density's MJ/L) of lithium batteries), is reasonably abundant, and has a huge existing production & supply chain.

        • Unfortunately petrol costs a lot to extract and process and then causes nasty gasses when it is burnt.

          Sparks can be made a whole lot more cleaner, especially when you consider the lifetime of the vehicle

      • And the battery manufacturers will then control and takeover the market from the gas producers….same shit

        • Not really
          You'll own your battery, so your costs will be controlled by your use unlike being a slave to your energy provider.

          Battery costs are coming down due to competition and technology, its the same as solar

    • And the present is ???????

  • +17

    when its affordable and the ones that are affordable dont suck

  • +6

    Member Since
    24 min ago

    Welcome to OzPolls.

    When they stop selling ICE.

    • +6

      That's MEth'd up.

      • +1

        Thanks Mike.

  • +5

    When the time is right.

  • +3

    What about this year!?

    • +1

      Not sure how the hell I forgot about 2021. Must be because of all the shortages and delays which put me off buying this year completely. Can't edit now unfortunately so it would need to be part of 2022-24.

      • +4

        You don't seem to have catered for those already with electric vehicles?

        • +11

          If you already have one you can’t be planning to buy your first, unless you have a delorean.

  • +4

    A good time to buy is when 1 BTC is enough for a Cybertruck.

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