How Many App Do You Have on Your Smart Phone? Tips on Your Selection of an App on Your Phone?

Would like to have some tips on your selection of what app you install on your smart phone. Nearly everyday I got all these suggestions to install a new app, I do not like to have too many app on my phone to slow down my phone, so I reluctant to install an app but still I have over 100 app on my phone.

How do you handle ever increased app? Have you deleted all you travelling related apps? I deleted all my airline apps last year, then comparison/aggregator apps only a few information app I still keep and I wonder if I should delete them as well give there is no where to go at the moment.

Poll Options

  • 7
    more than 500 app
  • 4
  • 8
  • 11
  • 19
  • 4
    less than 20


  • 338 Apps lol.

    Most are from IoT Manufacturers, Atlassian, Unifi, Microsoft, Salesforce, Adobe, Synology and Google.

  • +1

    24 incl Opal, ServiceNSW. Uninstalled Covidsafe.

    Uninstall any app that can be accessed via website. Uninstall any app that drains your battery (e.g. facebook).

    • Covidsafe was removed early on when it was obviously useless. Replaced with state based QR code reader from each state visited.

    • yes I uninstalled Covidsafe as well. I used to not install any app that can be accessed via web but I found there are some function only available in app, so I give up not install app that can be accessed via website.

  • Not counting built in and bloatware that can't be deleted, 58. There's probably a few I should uninstall and many of them are very occasional use.

    EDIT: down to 51 after review.

  • About 80, half of them are games. I probably use around 8 regularly and maybe 20 irregularly

  • 10 apps (not including bloatware). I'm a basic person with basic needs.

  • 467

  • +6

    I hate apps. Build a good mobile website. Don’t force me to download an app.

    • Agreed.

    • I do not like download app but I think business put more function in app to encourage you to download them and even governments and NGO encourage you to download app

  • +1


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