Big W Online Checkout Broken? Failed Order Yet Gift Cards Redeemed + Zip Account Charged

I just attempted to place a $70 order with Big W using a mix of gift cards and Zip pay. Upon checking out, it was telling me that the payment method failed and to try another. I ignored that thinking it's just a bug and tried again with the same details. Same error.

I then tried to complete the checkout process from the beginning, only to notice that many of my gift cards had been redeemed (some did not get redeemed) and were no longer valid! AND my Zip account has been charged with an email from Zip "Your purchase at BIG W was successful"

So Big W has stolen my gift cards and fraudulently charged my Zip with NO successful order. I am extremely unimpressed and deeply disturbed by this. I cannot call them until tomorrow morning, but let this be a warning for anyone else - there is a serious issue with their checkout system.

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  • -4

    so what did bigw say when you contacted them?

    • Read above.. their support lines are closed..

  • Was fine for me last night using CC.

  • +2

    I had the same problem because I accidentally used a NON BigW giftcard (it was verified on checkout page) but when you click submit, it will failed but redeemed the remaining GC. Give them a call during business hours and they will fix it quickly. For my issue, they re-issue the Giftcard as a refund.

    • -1

      I did use some non Big W gift cards, the Caltex ones (which are in fact WISH gift cards) from survey rewards. Don't see how that would cause the issue though? But yeah I will call them tomorrow morning and hope they can resolve it quickly and get the order placed succesfully. What a rigmarole..

  • +4

    So Big W has stolen incorrectly debited my gift cards and fraudulently incorrectly charged my Zip with NO successful order.

    FTFY Pam

    I am extremely unimpressed and deeply disturbed by this.

    Talk about an overreaction. Deeply disturbed? That's probably true.

    • -6

      Overreaction to have multiple charges and lose my gift cards for a failed order? Don't think so. It's a first for me. No doubt it will be sorted out after I waste my time on the phone, but it's clearly an issue others have also had, and it should be fixed as a priority.

      • +1

        I am sure they will fix it ASAP, but there is no one there tonight as you said. Their priority probably doesnt match yours which is you want it fixed now. That said I am sure they dont want to waste time fixing errors like this so as soon as they know I will bet there are going to be teams working on fixing it.

        Refunding and making adjustments wouldnt be very profitable for them.

        Meanwhile while its annoying just relax they will fix it.

  • sort it out with customer service (contact)…they'll help you

  • I tried to place an order two days ago. Failed on Amex x 2 and on PayPal. Went through on Afterpay.

    The pre-auth is still there on Amex and PayPal.

    And the order is still being processed. Slow as!

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