Grabone deal easy meal deal for $19 for six meals - has anyone tried any of these meals?

Grabone has a deal today for six meals for $19 delivered, just wonder if anyone has had any of the meals from this company. I Was thinking of buying it as it is so cheap.

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  • I think you are referring to this deal,

    The provider is easymeals. They have a bit of a history here, I enjoyed mine but they are non-refrigerated/freeze dried meals (think astronaut food). Are they worth $3.17 each? Don't think so. Ready meals like Maharajah's Choice Vegetable Biriyani Ready Meal from Coles sell for $3.20 at a regular price. Coles Meals Steak & Vegetables in a can sells for $2.92. Perhaps if it was fresh food like Lite & Easy then it would be a different story.

  • YEP, that is the one, thanks I did not realise they were freeze dried, do not know if it mentioned that or I just missed it, I think I will stay away. thanks again

    • Freeze dried may not be the right word. They seal it in a bag after cooking. So perhaps vacuum sealed like canned tuna maybe a more accurate way to describe it. They offer free samples. It's worth trying one.

  • OK, so like tinned tuna, or packet tuna, sort of wet?? thanks maybe I will get a sample, but was thinking $19 for 6 meals is very good, mind you as you have mentioned coles does meals for a similar price. so I will think before I buy. thanks

  • are they like camping meals? Most camping meals are 8-10 per meal.

    If they are, might be working getting some for some hiking/camp over easter

    • Yeah, you just need to heat them for a couple of minutes in the microwave but suppose if you had a portable stove you could do the same.

  • You can heat these types of pouches in boiling water. They can be convenient. Boile the bag for awhile, turn off the heat then just leave them in the water. I bought 6 and usually throw one or two in if I am going away for a weekend, just in case. I have only actually eaten one. It was the green curry. It was okay. Worth $3. I think you have to deal with the company via phone to organise delivery. They really put the hard sell on me to buy 100 more at the same price. I refused, obviously.

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