Dental GAP Payment - Confused

G'day Ozbargainers,

Hopefully someone can clarify this for me.

My previous dentist retired, so I went to a new dentist today for a 6 month check and clean. On their website it says they have No GAP dental check up. After my appointment finished, the hicap invoice showed gap payment $150, however they didn't ask me for any payment and I left without giving any payment details.

So I'm just confused, will I be invoiced via medibank private or something because I wasn't expecting to pay either.

I've been seeing my previous dentist for 15years and never had to pay anything out of pocket so this is all new to me.



  • +1

    Can you give us a break down of what's on that hicap receipt?

    Each line tell us
    1. The three digits dental item number
    2. What the clinic charged you
    3. What's the rebate from your health fund

    It is promising they didn't charge you $150 on the spot. You won't be invoiced by your insurer (from my experience)

    • 011 $50
      022 $29
      022 $29
      114 $87
      121 $28
      072 $34
      037 $97

      Claim Charge $354
      Claim Benefit: $203.40

      The dentist mentioned that since it was my first time here, I need to take X-rays which I haven't done before at my previous dentist.

      Medibank Private Extras 70 - I get $750 yearly dental

      The dentist was great though, very caring and great communicator. I will go to them again 6 months

      • +4

        Yeah I won't sweat worried about Medibank invoicing you. Your dentist only getting $200 from them and no more.

        I actually believe your dentist being nice to you.

        Before you go in 6 month, double check bout the no gap against ith dentist

  • -1

    Is the dentist an approved Medicare Private No Gap provider?

    If so I'm thinking the receptionist stuffed up with the wrong item numbers.

  • +2

    You won't have to pay. This is a common thing dentists do (well, I have seen it a few times at least). I don't know why they do it, but I assume they are able to claim a percentage of what they charge you - so they say they charge you more and then "forget" to actually charge you.

    • ahh cool, that's the answer I was hoping for haha

  • Dupe

  • Thats how no gap dental works… no gap.

    Btw, are dentists even open in Sydney?

    • Yes dentist are essential. Not getting your teeth checked every 6 months will cause your teeth to have plaque buildup which will lead to gum disease

  • ask for the receipt and it will be shown as discounts.

  • Basically what has happened is they charge your insurer as much as they can (and possibly even charge for more than they’ve done), and then you don’t get charged at all, which is why you walked out without paying anything, even though there was an amount outstanding.

  • +1

    Dentist here:

    No gap means that the dentist will do what needs to be done, then take only what the insurance pays for it.

    For e.g. If your health fund only paid $1, the clinic would just take the $1.

    On your accounts, they adjust it and give you a discount to the value of the gap basically.

    You owe nothing more.

    The above poster is incorrect. We cannot charge for things we have not done, as each service is itemised and you can see what has been charged. This is HF fraud. If the dentist is a preferred provider, they also cannot increase the fee for each item number as they are all set by the HF.

    • Oh how nice, so I got $150 discount? 😄

      • +1

        Yep :)

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