What Is Cheaper to Buy in Australia than Overseas? (Relative to Income)

Inspired by an AskUK reddit post, what is cheaper to buy in Australia than overseas?

First thing off the top of my head is our artificially stasis-locked Coles/Woolies milk prices.

Edit: Since the genuine answer in real $ is going to be.. nothing, I'll rephrase the question to what is cheaper relative to our mean/median income than in other countries?


  • Netflix, Prime (with much more benefits), Calm, Spotify and list goes on and on

  • Milk and other essentials - relative to income that is….

  • No one mentioned milk?

    • I don't think milk is too cheap after the price hike (supposedly 'temporary') in 2019 or so during the draught, which was never rolled back.. sneaky.

  • +1


  • Vegemite, Tim Tams, Twisties

    Beaches (compared to those thieving pay-2-use beaches in europe)

  • Cars.
    In smaller countries, they apply a 100% import tax on them, thus making them incredibly unaffordable. Some of their wages are also very low compared to Australia.

  • Coming from Sri Lanka, the cost of vehicles here is crazy cheap. Over there in Sri Lanka, you should pay a minimum of 100% tax to own a car (for some vehicles this could go up to 400%. When I say to my friends that I could buy a brand new corolla for under 30K, they simply can not believe it (they are paying 60K for the same car). Not to mention the crazy prices for used cars as well. Due to unaffordable price tags of new cars, 10-year-old or so cars in SL have also become very expensive (e.g. 2010 corolla in Sri Lanka would easily cost 40K AUD).

    • +1

      Fair point. But, if car prices in Aus are cheap to you, then I wonder what you will feel when you hear car prices in the US. Cars are actually much more expensive here than most of the developed world, even compared to Canada. Why should a basic, brand new hatchback cost $18k-$25k!! No wonder why most of the people drive high-end and big cars in the states and in Europe.

  • Lindt chocolates (when it's at 50% price, which is quite often). It's very expensive in most other countries that I have visited. I wonder how come their pricing strategy is so different in Aus.

  • Craziest cheap houses I saw were in South Africa, 50k for a 2 bedroom house tiny stand alone house. Similar to australia's homestart, only needed a small income (5000 Rand = 500 Aus a month).

    Basically how Houses work in areas with mainly locals (Africans).

  • mullets

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