What Fast Food Did You Used to Eat Heaps, and Now Don't?

Mine would be Subway, used to eat a Footlong at least once a week back in the day, now its barely a once every 6 month affair.

I started getting put off by the high price of the Subs, the perceived use of too many preservatives and the lack of a decent loyalty scheme.


  • +1

    Used to get KFC snacks probably weekly while waiting for my trains home. Since WFH I have had it maybe once in six months. Worst thing is even if you get a craving, it's about 50/50 whether it will be decent or disgusting lol.

  • +1

    I havn't stopped eating any yet myself. I have it once a week.

    But I went through maccas yesterday to get a cheeseburger. $4 for one cheeseburger.
    I think I am at the point where takeaway so expensive, I may as well go and have a proper meal.

    I think going forward, I will only have them if there is super cheap deals happening on their respective apps.

  • Yep subway here too. They went downhill when they changed their menu and it wasnt value for money anymore.

  • I'm right there with you on subway, I use to buy it everytime i had an opportunity, but got put off for the same reasons. also the last few times i went they missed ingredients/shortchanged me/put on cold pizza sauce. that never use to happen.

  • Oporto. Closest one is about 15mins away and I'd rather head over to Nando's if I'm dining out. My current goto is KFC/HJs

    • +1

      Where I live theres no Oporto within 30km, so only had it once. Had the Bondi byrger, was meh, on par with Nandos.

  • -1


    • -1

      very unozbargainly

      All the android fanbois are gonna neg you

  • Servo Pies. Pandemic and not traveling to city everyday put a stop to that. I get that sick feeling in the stomach when thinking about them now.

  • Subway. It used to be delicious! But, I think they changed the recipe, because the last two subs I tried went into the bin. So, I haven't had a Subway since 2012.

  • KFC. Every time I've had it in the past few years it tastes like crap and the chicken is super dry and tough.

  • All of it. I stopped eating maccas when I was 17, half of my lifetime ago. I forget why, but I know that its been long enough that I will never go back there again. Good to see subway mentioned. I remember the last time i went there I ordered the advertised special 'smokey bbq steak' and the special smokey bbq steak was pretty much smeared onto the bread like vegemite. There was nothing steaky about it. I felt so bad about my purchase I never went back.

    I feel more successful making my own food, and knowing everything that goes into my meals, compared to the mystery of fast food.

  • KFC

  • Maccas only because parents were too conservative and never tried anything else.

    • Sorry but being conservative is not allowed on ozbargain.

  • +2


  • someone was telling me that the hormones in chickens (eg. KFC) nowadays
    was creating well-endowed female teenagers (who he used to see around KFC at his local town-centre)…

    …or was he just ogling ?

  • -1

    Subway, because an overpriced, poor quality sandwich is not an appropriate food for any meal of the day.

  • If you said Subway, you are not wrong: https://youtu.be/duQow41bTx0

  • Our local set of shops got a KFC, we hammered it when they opened but have rarely been back since. I'd really rather they had putpretty much any other chain there…

  • +1

    Would you classified Chicken Curry as fast food?

    Used to have large Hanaichi's Chicken Curry, extra rice for $6 back in uni days for lunch and keep half for dinner.
    The only way to survive beside relying on Indomie on uni student budget.

    Once I learnt to cook pasta and stir fry, chick curry becomes a weekly reward thing…

    Now it's more once a month/2 month thing…

    • +2

      100% me as well, totally relate. Also would constantly be carrying around a stack of HJ's coupons and Subway coupons, or waiting around in the old Broadway food court for the Asian takeaway joint to put their leftovers on special. $3.80 Honey Chicken, it's no wonder I got so fat by the end of Uni…

  • +1

    Anything cheese. Old age I have now slight intolerance to lactose but now I have lactose free milk for coffees only.

    Dropped cerial, cheese, food with cream etc.

  • +1

    Haven't eaten KFC in almost 2 years. Used to eat it at least once or twice a week.
    That changed on Sunday when my sister decided to buy some KFC online/deliver for father's day.

    Decided to eat 2 chicken pieces and some chips. Was curious if I would miss the taste. Not really. Was okay but nothing really special. Didn't really crave more of it.

    Maccas… used to always eat it when I was younger. Nowadays the only time I eat it is if I go late night fishing (well can't do that anymore coz lockdowns lol), and if every other restaurant/shops are closed. Maccas always open 24/7. Good if you're hungry at 1am and nothing else avail.

    edit: Oh yeah and HJs. Used to eat that a few times a week. The burgers are definitely better at HJs lol. But haven't eaten any in 2 years.

    Main reason for the big change is that I got divorced and the pandemic I guess. My ex used to love eating fast food and I didn't mind as well since we were so busy then. Nowadays I got more free time on my hands so I do more home cooking. I want meals that fits my macro/calorie needs.

  • +2

    I grew up very unhealthy so much junk suffered from obesity for many years until I found a saving grace.

    I met a dietitian and they explained this amazing surgery which really saved my life, of course I had to learn a whole new way of life and learn to appreciate real food over bad food but in the end I lost over 60kgs and feel amazing :)

  • -4

    It's not 'fast food' but I would like to give you my healthy tip.
    About 20 years ago I cut out butter and butter substitutes on bread, sandwiches etc.
    I like to read nutritional panels on food that I buy, and I realized that I was literally spreading fat onto the bread.

    • +1

      Modern science shows that its likely the bread causing health issues rather than the butter.

  • +1

    KFC, not because I don't like it but since lockdown I don't really go out anymore and delivery is $9 so (profanity) that lol.

  • +2

    RIP Chinese Takeaway. I haven't had any for years since my high school friend who became a full time chef allowed me into the kitchen to see what really goes on.

  • Little Caesers, but only because they all closed. I know it's for the betterment of our health, but we miss those amazingly greasy deep dish pizzas.

  • Taco bell next to KFC, both were nice until I noticed constipation and diarrhea, eventually realized neither were viable source of food, so banned them.

  • +2

    Maccas/HJ/KFC/Dominos/servo meat pies/etc/etc

    used to have them 6 days a week, but then went on a weight lost spree a few years ago, and over time, I lost the cravings for them.

    but I still eat have them maybe once in a while for nostalgia, but they don't seem to taste as good as back in my binge eating days……….

  • Maccas. Back in the day around 25 years ago Maccas used to have vouchers like Hungry Jack's, a friend of mine used to have 4x big macs in one meal, I wasn't as a big eater as him but quite often would have 2 big macs for lunch. I'm 40+ now, can't remember the last time I had them.

  • Used to eat a lot of kebabs/kebab plates when I used to work afternoon shifts at work. They're the only thing open at ~11:30pm when I finish.

    Gained about 15kg over 2020 because of that + stress eating and am currently trying to lose it lol.

    Since I started contracting (and controlling my own hours) and keeping some healthy meals prepped in the fridge I haven't resorted to a midnight kebab.

  • I would 100% eat subway more often if they just used real meat in their subs. I would easily pay $15 for a sub with chicken breast in it rather than some processed filler 25% actually chicken crap they use.

    • is there anything wrong with their ham subs with all the salads included?

  • Taco Bell

    None near me anymore.

  • +1

    Steamed hams

  • Subway Meatball subs - back in the day i believed the advertising that subway was healthy (Eat Fresh) ….. I know it is better then some of the other rubbish but i found out later the meatball subs in particular are pretty unhealthy

  • Not keen on HJ's new chips. I think they season them with a different salt which doesn't go well with the flame grilled flavour.

    Subway. Not "Fresh" as they say

    Loved the KFC Zinger Burger but now the sauce has changed. ALWAYS ASK FOR EXTRA SALT AND GET F!@# ALL. One of the reasons I like their chips.

    Chips are old…buns stale….

    Chicken Treat (Inglewood) in Western Australia - Quality is S#it. Never get a crispy chicken skin anymore. Fried chicken's ok though

  • +2

    Pizza Hut - they were the go to for pizzas maybe 20 years ago. Although the Hershey cookie is still the only thing worth buying.

    Grilld - the herbed mayo may be the only thing worth going there for otherwise I dont care for them after the traineeship scandal

    Nandos - still get this every few months although nowhere near what I used to. Prices are just too high for chicken.

    • +1

      The Herbed Mayo is the only reason xD

  • Subway for me as well.

  • Kebabs… Stopped clubbing. Anyone remember Kenny's kebabs in Thomaston?

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