iPad 3 from Apple AU. Should I buy now or WAIT!

Thinking of buying the new iPad 3 online from Apple store AU.

Price is AU$899. for 64gb Wifi + 4G.
Delivery between 16th to 22nd March.

Should I wait out for DWI or Kogan etc to do a better price and use their prices to price match with JB Hifi or OW?

Or should I just get it since its gonna be pretty much out of stock everywhere else when it is official available on our shores?


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  • My thoughts is not to get the iPad 3 at all. Get an iPad 2 second hand for cheap cheap. No major upgrades and i think the iPad 3 is very disappointing. This is coming from an apple fan. Obviously you want the iPad 3, and you are right that stock will be limited, so probably order online.

    • +1

      "No major upgrades"

      I don't know about you, but the quadruple pixel jump between 3GS > 4 is huge. It's the first thing you notice. Seeing as the iPad 2 > 3 transition is comparable, I'd say it's easily worth the premium.

      • +4

        because phones have small screens, it's not like you'll be holding the ipad right up to your face like you do with the puny iphone 4 screen… If you don't have a tablet "the new ipad" would be a good option, but if you already have an ipad 2, I'd say that its not a worthy upgrade. My 2 cent..

    • This is the first Apple device to truly make me go "Wow". It fixes almost every single problem I had with the iPad 2.

      I look at the iPad 2 and instantly notice the resolution is sorely lacking. There is a quadriple jump in resoltion. More RAM, better battery to compensate for increased specs, better colour screen, 1080p video recording etc.

      The specification jump is truly massive. The only complaint I have is lack of 128GB model and no USB slot. They can charge any amount they want for the highest storage available, just charge some excessive amount for it instead of not having it all.

  • +2

    surely the new 2048 x 1536 screen over the old 1024 x 768 justifies the little extra

  • Isnt the hardware set/ ready for LTE? Would think further down the road a soft update will be provided for Telstra's compatibility?

    If the above is the case, getting the ipad 3 justifies over the 2nd hand ipad 2? No??

    The retina is also impressive. Easier on the eyes when doing lotsa of reading.

    Again, whether to splurge out or not!

    • +1

      I think the actual LTE radio needs to be changed for it to work on a different band(Telstra's) so its not as simple as a software update.

  • +3

    Ermm. I actually did manage to get a price match from JB on DWI's price a few months ago on a 32GB iPad 2 with 3G.

    Rain check on the BJ. Not a gay but who knows I might need you to blow a prospective gay client :)

  • remember the major updates are only better camera, FHD video taking, better graphics, better screen and LTE.

    Just do a checklist off these points to see if the extra cost is justified.

  • the ipad (please note its not called ipad 3) has faster graphics however same processor.. ipad 2 has teh A5 and the new ipad has A5X.. the X giving it better graphics processor.. please note the graphics process is a combined chip with the cpu.. similar to the intels having the 3000 graphics build into the cpu

    • yeh ipad 2s more like it

  • definitely worth the money, ipad 2 was overated

    iPad 3 or whatever is worth the upgrade if you havent yet.

  • +1

    U sure like to type in CAPS!!!!!

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