Free sample

I am just sick of this free sample post.
Recently there are so many post about free sample, most of the time is parfume, shampoo etc. Why do you want to sell your identity just for getting a free sample? Any comment?


  • Just like most threads that don't interest you on a public forum — ignore them! You can pretty much already tell what kind of offers they are. Skip anything that says "Free sample", "perfume", etc when you come across them. These free samples are there because there are actually people who are interested in them.

  • You shouldn't need to sell your identity. Use a temporary email and put in fake details for name. I sometimes use my cat's name.

  • But you still need to put your address to recieve the sample

    • Right. But I guess they can't really steal your identity. Ive signed up for loads of freebies and never had any problems via receiving anything postally. Emails on the other hand I get some from time to time.

  • I actually like free samples. -wry-

    The only mail spam I object to getting is Reader's Digest sweepstakes. How did I ever get on that list?! :(

    • Ah yes, got one of those yesterday. Some sort of scratch ticket but I think it was delivered to every household on my block.

      • What I wanna know is how they got my name attached to the address tho…:( Sigh.

    • Who hasn't got onto Reader's Digest spam list? — that would be the right question…

      • Me, but then I never seem to live at any place long enough to get on the list.

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