Similar deal to last night, 1 cent mini speaker at 200 likes.

Hey guys, just following this, watching it near 200 likes and getting ready to submit the deal on the main page, but it's going so slowly, anyone care to bump it up to 200?

Half way down on the left, there is a speaker and a like box.


  • 200 likes now. How long does it usually take for it to become active?

    • That is what I am wondering, I missed the start of last night (got the item) but still waiting for this one.

      I imagine this is the link:

      • WTF sold out already!!>! arhghghsdg;

        • Lol no, try now! quick!

        • nvm, it said sold out for a sec, probably cause it wasnt active yet, but it is now.
          Got one :D

  • great work Shaw!
    just got one…
    don't think it'll last very long :)

    • All gone already lol

  • Looking at the site now and the little picture down on the left hand side says $0.00 + Free Shipping

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