Apple TV - Spot the bargain

An article by the Telegraph on the new Apple TV

Heading "Spot the difference: Apple TV upgrades revealed" - doh

article here

Pity it's not an error on the Apple website, as I am sure with the price being $A109 and the image being "correct" even the android fans would be lining up to get this one.

As it is an error, I guess it will be updated sometime, so here is a pdf of the original

article image here


  • Oh WOW.

  • At that price, i want one, defo bargain :)

    defo shows that price on website

  • Ohhh.. picture is wrong… was going to say price is correct for the Apple TV that the article is about.

  • How could the journo get it so wrong and use a "concept" image instead of the real thing?…

    • All that journo ever writes about is Apple, Apple, Apple. They would report on an Apple execs bad hair day if they thought it would get more hits. Obviously the instruction from higher up is an Apple (article) a day…..

      I'm going to head into the Apple store, article in hand and demand my "Apple TV" as pictured and priced LOL.

  • cant expect much…. daily telegraph LOL

  • apple TV is amazing with the price $99 and is much better than the A.C.Ryan,Popcorn media player…

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