[StartHere] Please Explain - How does MBC work?

How does MBC work?
Can someone explain simply to me
I am registered now, etc and it seems good
I want to buy the Dell monitor deal
How do I claim my MBC?
Do I put in some code or affiliate details on the Dell site when purchasing?
Or do I have to follow the redirection link from MBC when going to order so the referrer details carry through?
Sorry but it isn't very clear on the MBC site how it works
A simple example/walkthrough on the MBC site would be really helpful

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  • Matt,

    When you click on the link from MBC's website, it brings you to the affiliate site so when you purchase a computer from Dell, MBC will receive a commission from Dell. MBC will then credit your account with that commission, which you can cash out (minus their annual fee) later.

    Just remember — when you click on the link on MBC's website, DO NOT GO ELSEWHERE and immediately BUY from the merchant you want to buy from. (Yes do it when you are already determined to buy). Internet is filled with affiliation links and MBC will not be able to track if you stumble with another link along the way…

  • Thanks Scotty
    SO I should do my research or whatever
    Then go to MBC and click the affiliate link and buy from the link directly without navigating away

    Is there a way to be sure the affiliate details are included?
    Can you tell by information in the link?
    Thanks again

    • If you are doing research etc., make sure you clear all cookies before you go back to MBC. I use an entirely different browser (IE 6) with cleared cookies. As for the affiliate companies paying MBC and thus paying you, good luck with that. The majority of my transactions never work or are forever stuck in the tracking status.

      • So it's not worth it?

        • Might as well do it as it takes very little effort. Just don't bank on getting it.

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