Looking for: PC for Mum. Skype, YouTube and Photoshop

Hi Everyone,

I don't know very much about computers so I'm looking for recommendations for my mum. She uses her desktop for hours for Skype, youtube and photoshop. Typical Asian mum stuff. Nkt looking to spend too much, budget is probably under $800.

THANKS in advance.


  • Can't see your budget working for Photoshop - require a fast CPU Intel I7 plus, as much RAM as possible, SSD drives, and if possible a dedicated graphics card. $800 not looking too good, Skype and Youtube not an issue!.

    • +2

      You make it sound like Photoshop is Autocad lmao.

  • $648
    1135G7, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD should cover all her Photoshop and Basic Multimedia needs

  • +6

    Is Photoshop a typical Asian mum thing? That's news to me.

    And yeah depends on how much time she's spending on it and if she's editing large libraries full of full size raws.

    • -2

      Haven't you heard that most Asian mums like to photoshop their sons as Doctors, Lawyers, or InsertSuccessfulBusinessMan. Whilst their daughters are photoshopped being with kids and pregnant, and with a son-in-law that is a Doctor, Lawyer, or InsertSuccessfulBusinessMan.

      Where do you think Adobe gets their money from?

  • Skype, youtube and photoshop

    Maybe a tablet? Fits case and probably less tech support from you.

  • +1

    Sounds like an iPad or a laptop could do the job, it's hard to recommend a PC for 800 when there are laptops/tablets that aren't that much more that would be faster and portable as well (as well as not needing additional monitor, keyboard, webcam etc.)

  • optiplex equivalent like this:


    also need monitor, keyboard mouse

    the laptop posted above also looks decent

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