Sense checking solar panel quote (WA)

I recently got a quote for 10 solar panels (3.85kW) and an inverter (3kW) from Solar Naturally for $5149.00. Need to call them back to confirm which brand that was for.

They offered to pay this is a 3 year payment plan which includes an $8 monthly service fee. Payments are made fortnightly which come to about $67.11 per fortnight.

I'm pretty new to solar and it's seems difficult to get pricing info online without having someone come down and provide a free quote.

Just wanted to sense check if this is the normal cost of solar in WA? or are they charging a premium with the 3 year payment plan?


  • +1

    Without the brands of the panel and inverter, cannot tell. There is a massive price difference between Tier 1 and tier 2 and tier 3 and other dodgy brands.

  • Ah ok, will find out and update with the brands.

  • +2

    That is ridiculously expensive. You can get a 6.6kw system for $3K.

    Anyway I would recommend Solargain.

    • Yeah that's what I've been seeing on some Google ads but I wasn't sure if that's due to cheaper panels/inverter brands?

      I'll check out Solargain

    • You will never pay 3k
      And if you do the system will be rubbish.

      5k out of pocket for a small system is about right.

    • +1

      I would expect a fronius inverter at least, at that price.

  • Is the Loan Secured or Unsecured?
    (Secured usually Lower Rate)

    Fixed Rate or Variable?

  • How did you find out about these people? You should get some quotes from and pick from people who actually come to your house to do an assessment instead of relying on satellite pictures. If you read the articles on the site you will also get an idea on which brands are better and which are best for you

    • It was a door to door sales person from Solar Naturally. Glad you mentioned because I submitted an enquiry to them about an hour ago. I chose to have quotes via email/phone though -_-

      • +1

        That's ok. They won't spam you. If they did they would get booted off the system.

        I wouldn't trust anything from a doorknocker though. They will probably do a dodgy job and have disappeared when a year or two later the problems manifest and you can't contact them for warranty. Also a red flag that their quote had no detail. The brand of panel and inverter makes a huge difference

  • WA is piss cheap to get solar, that's why you only got 3c FIT, if your roof can fit, a 6.6kw system will cost less than that from reputable one like Solargain or Sunterra.

    • It's 2.7c now

      • Sorry this might be a stupid question but what's 3c, 2.7c? Is that something related to the rebate?

        • +1

          The amount you get paid for each kilowatt hour you put back into the grid (when the panels are producing more than you use).

          It would be a really good idea to read through articles on solarquotes before you accept any quote so you understand thoroughly how it all works, then you'll know what you need for your use case, and won't buy anything that won't benefit you or not buy something that would have made sense

  • Geezus christ that's expenno
    My 6.6kw Growatt + Seraphim installation was $2199 back in July
    par for a 6.6kw system is around $3000

    Sounds like they're taking you for a ride.

    For that price i'd be expecting Fronius and LG panels.
    something like this would do the job

    • Yeah starting to realise the huge premium they added for the 3 year payment plan

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