Anyone Else Finding BF: 2042 Unplayable?

2 days with it so far and it's giving me nightmares. It's just so buggy and flimsy. No disconnecting/crashing issues thankfully but navigating through menus, changing classes, checking scores etc only seem to work 70% of the time. Today I entered a vehicle and got launched in the air and ended up swimming under the map. I'm also being killed before I even fully spawn in.

Honestly I think most of it is just bad game design and poor choices, especially the menu navigation, but I'm reading online with others saying the game is a few stops short of unplayable.


  • +1

    I gave in on all the Battlefield type games a while back… the ratings on 2042 are shocking though. It looks like a lemon so far.

  • +1

    Just sell off your PS5.

  • +3

    They dont even try with modern games…

    Release date is release date - even if the game is full of bugs and shit missing

    example: Call of Duty: Warzone's Vanguard guns don't shoot straight, but they will eventually….

    • +1

      Yeah, it's seriously in need if legal intervention at this point. There's no other industry where you can sell something not fit for use or as advertised and simply get away with promising to "eventually" make it functional.

      Imagine buying a burger and being told the bun will be delivered to you in a few weeks time.

      • +1

        here's no other industry where you can sell something not fit for use or as advertised and simply get away with promising to "eventually" make it functional.

        they learnt from Microsoft…

    • +1

      Reading the article, it sounds like a bullet spread is supposed to be a more realistic effect but ends up being annoying and not fun rather than lack of trying or being buggy

      • Wouldnt that have come out in testing.. if they bothered with testing… which I'm not confident they do anymore..

        • +3

          Wouldnt that have come out in testing

          I think the paying players are the testers.

          • +1

            @SF3: Pretty much. Release a game at full price so the loyal early adopters can spot all the bugs. Then, fix said bugs and drop the game's price in time for the casual Christmas/Black Friday shoppers.

          • +1

            @SF3: So you had BF Vietnam too then?

    • The headline is a bit inflammatory. The guns are behaving the way they were designed. People just don’t like the RNG of bullet spread.

  • +2

    BF2 on the Pizza Hut deal was the best.

    That game was so much simpler and so fun.

    • I think the whole world of trying for more realism is screwing things up quite a bit. As you said simpler and more fun…

  • but navigating through menus, changing classes, checking scores etc only seem to work 70% of the time. Today I entered a vehicle and got launched in the air and ended up swimming under the map. I'm also being killed before I even fully spawn in.

    I heard it had negative reviews, but that’s horrendous. BF1 release wasn’t great but it wasn’t that bad.

  • +1

    Nope, zero issues like what you described. I’m having a blast with it!

  • I've been fence sitting on BF2042, PC price is now around $34 (amazon), is it time to buy or wait for sub $20, per the current amazon Ps4 price?

    • No. You can have my ps5 copy for free if you want. Whether they fix the absurd bugs (which I doubt) is irrelevant now anyway. The game is an absolute joke in terms of design, balance, environments, strategy, fairness, fun factor, and almost anything else that factors into a video game.

      There's no more teamwork, large scale vehicle warfare, strategic spawning, moving from cover to cover, or anything else that made the previous games fun. You just shoot at other players in a big open dome until someone gets sniped. Rinse and repeat.

      Don't buy it

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